MS Attack? Does it happen like this

Hi all, I understand reading though the forum that there are many with concerns similar to me. Just asking whether or not anyone has had similar symptoms to me, being a male in my early 30s. It all started with some buzzing, cold sensations and a heavy altered sensation in one of my legs, but the main point for me weeks afterwards was a bout of what I’d call a nervous weakness in my arms, which felt like it was an intense surge of adrenaline running through my arms, severe nausea and a nervous feeling in my stomach, which occurred twice for a few hours a day apart. It almost felt like something was attacking my body or an adrenaline overload. Following this, I started getting internal tremors in my arms which developed onto sharp/stabbing pains on and off, coupled with the health anxiety that resulted from the event. It went away almost completely for about 2 months in Dec/Jan but the pain has came back, along with a heavy sensation in leg. Almost feels like they are all labouring to move, but I’ve not experienced noticeable weakness, just sharp and dull aching pain and altered sensation in my arms. Currently going through investigations with a neurologist with a spinal MRI to be scheduled, but really at a blank as to what this could be. Had a course of folic acid for low levels, but well past this course and levels increased following blood test. Neurologist has put me on another course however. Would like to hear from anyone who has had or went through similar experiences. Thanks

Hi Blueboat Thankyou for aptly descibing your experience of nervous weakness/adrenaline overload, finally I feel like what I experience is not so foreign. I have had 12 mths now of weird, new symptoms, usually right side of my body. This nervous weakness/adrenaline feeling I get on my rright upper chest area that then travels through the arm. Worse is when my whole internal upper chest area, spreading to left also, a slow crushing debilitation that feels like adrenaline. I have had mris, blood tests, nerve conduction tests,all negative. Every time my shoulder/arm/rib cage area flares I take this as another ‘episode’. I’m over this being told…it’s nothing serious…however since my initial major episode last March, it’s been happening off and on, haphazardly. So I feel for you, and please know this is auite the rollercoaster. My hope for you, is that your mri shows something soo that you get an actual diagnosis and can go from there.

How often do you get your episodes? I’ve only really had 2 distinct episodes a day apart where I felt really not well. They episodes never really came with pain, but since then I’ve had pain similar to that described with peripheral neuropathy. There is nothing worse than going through a host of tests and not having answers. So I take it’s a dead end, or further tests can be carried out? I don’t know what will happen with non-critical investigation appointments given the current epidemic. Will likely be a long wait before I get seen through the NHS. Been on low dose amitriptyline which now seems to be helping after a few weeks of taking it.

Hi all, Well for me it looks as though the writing is on the wall. As a lot of people do, once you add everything up it makes sense. Now showing classic symptoms at the moment and thinking back throughout the years I had an episode of migraines and similar symptoms about 7 years ago. At that point I saw a neurologist and had a head MRI. I remember him saying that there were lesions, but nothing to worry about probably post viral. After about 3 months everything went away. Another point is my father has rhuemetoid arthritis, which again is a risk factor. My anxiety levels are through the roof at the minute and inconsolably upset. I know I have ms, just a case of confirming. I can’t get this other MRI scan until things start improving with the pandemic.

Hi Blueboat

MS is still quite a rare condition and the symptoms mirror many other issues/conditions. The odds are in your favour. Easier said then done as I have been in your position (man in his 30’s who thought his life as he knew it was ending) but you need to try to stay calm. Whether it is MS or something else people experiencing these type of physical symptoms can send you into a downward spiral if you let the stress get the better of you. At my worst as I was awaiting my test results I was struggling to walk for longer than 5 minutes. Try to find something that works for you. I found that using an App to meditate for 10-15 mins a day really helped.

Thanks Jonny. It’s when I go through the testimony of others who have said through the years they’ve had subtle signs. I suppose I feel as though I relate to these so much and would be surprised if it was anything else. Thanks for your words of support. My partner has seen the state of me recently and tried to comfort me by saying it won’t be as bad as I’m thinking. I also have a young daughter at 3 who keeps asking why I am crying, which I try to hide, but is heartbreaking for her to realise and ask. I have these trailing thoughts that I won’t be able to live life, be a normal husbabnd/father, or take her dancing, or take her to the park, with the uncertainty that looms. I am sure many here have had the same issues, probably worse than me. As you have said you were struggling to walk, something which is not troubling me at the moment. I understand it may make things worse, but mentally it is hard to take. Thanks for your words though.

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This is all very interesting and last month I was finally diagnosed with MS replaceing. Two years ago it started with weakness and numbness in both arms and what I see as pins and needles.

Then it all started again at the end of last year in both legs and now I have numbness in my tongue. I went on the tablet treatment this month as it’s not save to do the infusion at the moment. Over the last week I have been having what I would say a cold feeling moving up my face from my lips which I don’t know what it is so I guess I will be emailing my MS nurses.
Once I got the diagnosis it made me feel like I was not going made. Hopefully your MRI won’t be too long for you. My first one they did was two years ago and then my other one was just before this started so I was luckily, they did my full spine and head this time as they did not do all my spine the first time.

Good Luck