Dear All,
Had my MRI results (non contrasting) sent to my ENT Consultant and the results appear to show demylination and White matter lesions in comparison to previous MRI scans for which I had before my brain surgery in 2012. She said shes urgently refering me to a new neurologist and likely next steps are a lumbar punctur, so my question is can you it get these results from MRI scan and get negative results from lumbar puncture will that automatically rule out MS?
Thank you.
Hi, my MRI showed quite a few lesions and my lumber was negative, but I then went on to have a visual evoke test and this came back fiffy, I was dx’d MS and then 18mths later was told it was SPMS.
I don’t know much about it, but suspect that here we’re in the realm of things that makes this or that dx more or less likely, rather than absolutely ruling things in or out. But you need a better-informed view than mine, and that’s one for your neurologist, I think.
Sorry to hear about your lesions how does your ms effect you? What should i be aware of or be prepared for? I don’t have much knowledge im trying to get more educated about it from others such as Urself.
I’m visually sighted from my brain surgery for my epilepsy lost 50% of my peripheral vision in 2012 registered sight impaired in 2013 but got enough central vision got no sight issues - like optical neuritis but have plenty fatigue in the day and up until GP put me on pregablin and amatriptyline for neuromas in my feet I was getting shooting pain up my ankle gave me trouble walking I have walking stick it doesn’t look good for soon to be 35 year old, have had pin’s and needles in my feet was getting numbness and tingling in my face daily mainly my left side weakness down my right side ENT said due to my medical history it’s likely a neurological problem. When I was put on the nerve Meds it’s stopped tingling in my face mostly and shooting pain in my feet. Just recently had seizure warnings but didn’t lead to anything I’ve been seizure free for over a year to apart from that.
Dear Alison,
Thanks for your honesty .
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Hi Calmer-living 34, I think for you, it would be better to go through the throws of the tests that are necessary and then speak with your neuro, what I experience may not be anything like what you do and I feel its best not to put ideas there and to mislead you, sorry I can’t be more helpful, but sometimes its best to go with this with an open mind, good luck and let us know how you go on.
Dear Jean,
Can understand why you chose to say this to me. I’ll keep you posted.
Best wishes
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