Mobility Scooter Stuff...

Hi folks,

I posted a couple of days ago asking for advice about getting a mobility scooter. My friend has a couple, so I went round to see him, and he helped me to choose one online which I will order on Monday. I wanted to ask you lovely people how you store your scooters - I’m going to have to keep my one outside - apart from the two steps to get into the house, there just isn’t the room to either manouver or to store it inside. I’ve had a look online, and there are a variety of storage options (along with a variety of prices), ranging from a glorified tent to a custom built shed thing, what sort of storage do you use, and how do you insure your scooters, can they be added to normal contents insurance, or is it better to have a separate policy?


Luisa x


I have mobility scooter which we kept in the garage, but I found that if I wanted to use it I couldn’t get past our car without the car being moved. Being the independant person I am we now keep it indoors in our hallway. I guess I’m lucky we have the space to do it. Hubby doesn’t like it there but the independance it gives me is great. As far as insurance goes I don’t really know, but suggest you have a word with your insurance company as I imagine you would have to pay a little extra to insure it.

Enjoy your new mode of transport.

Janet x


I keep me mine in the garage but it’s a pain as it is quite a performance getting it out. Sorry I can’t help with outside storage

I do have separate insurance for my scooter, it is with a company called First Senior (not the best name for those of us under 85!)

Hope this helps

Hi Louisa, welcome to scooter-world! It is a wonderful world of freedom and independence. The first few times I went out on mine I was terrified and thought OMG I’ve just spent a fortune on something I’m never going to use. How wrong I was! Once I got my confidence I started to love it, and now I can’t think how I managed without it.

I keep mine in the small hall of my flat. It blocks of 2 cupboards but all I do is move the scooter when I need access to them. The thing to remember is you have to be fairly near a power point to charge the battery. But I know many people keep them in sheds and garages. I’ve heard of people who rent garage space from neighbours. The men who delivered my scooter said I would never be able to manoeuvre my scooter into the small hall space and would have to keep it in the bedroom. Well they were wrong. I can turn that baby on a sixpence. After a while your scooter becomes like second skin. You know exactly its turning circle etc.

I use a company call Premier Insurance. They have an emergency call out service in case you breakdown. I asked them how long it would take to get to me if I broke down and they said on average about an hour. That’s in London. I’ve never had to call them out or make a claim.

Top two tips… be as patient as a saint. Very often people are not looking and step right in front of you. No point in getting angry or you will spend your life being angry. Go slow in crowds and and expect lots of stopping and starting. With the right frame of mind it can be fun. Second tip is remember your body is not moving so you will get cold very quickly. Thermal layers are a must! I go out looking like Scott of the Antarctic! Oh and a 3rd top tip… keep your battery farily topped up so you can be spontanious and think ‘hey the sun is shining and I’m going scootering’. It’s probably not good for the battery but it’s excellent for your quality of life.

Happy scoooootering…

Pat x

Hi Louisa.

Sorry, can’t help with storage advice, as I keep my scooter in the garage.

Insurance is important, I know a lot of people don’t bother, saying that they had not paid enough for their scooter to warrant paying for insurance. But just consider if you were involved in an incident, were a third party suffered injury and it was considered to be your fault, think of the financial consequence to yourself.

That is not intended as a scare tactic, but just good sound advice.

As Pat said in her post, an insurance company that specialise in mobility scooter insurance is, Premier Care, (Mark Bates Ltd) 01476 591104. I have my scooter insured with this company, you will find them extremely helpful.

Take care.

Chris R.

I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).

I know its going to be a bad day when I get out of bed and miss the floor.

Hi Luisa - well done on choosing a scooter - I am still struggling to find the ‘perfect’ one.

Which model have you chosen?

Hope you enjoy the new freedom. Helen

Helen - I went for the NHC Zen S11 after discussion with my friend who has two scooters and used to have that model. I think it’s going to be the best compromise between weight, price, ground clearance and not being too flimsy.

I have very mixed feelings about this step, but I did about using a walking stick, so I’m sure I’ll get over it, thinking about painting flames or go faster stripes on it to make me feel better, haha.

Thanks for all your advice - I’m definitely going to have the scooter insured - apart from 3rd party damage, I can’t afford to buy a new one if this one is damaged or stolen. I spoke to my landlord today, and there may be a garage that I can use which would save me spending a few hundred pounds on a shed to house the scooter, so I’ll see what they come back with.

Luisa x

Hi Louisa,

you’ve gone from a querry about walking your dog to reality - well done you!

I felt a bit self consious when I first got my scooter but not now so I hope you get many miles of pleasure.

I store mine in a wooden shed that has power to it. It’s the power that is the kicker, but the council put it in for me.


Thanks Jane - I’ve always been the same, when I decide that something needs to happen, I get it done. Yes, the power to charge it is going to be a challenge, but I think that if I can leave the scooter outside the back door during the day with a cover over it, I can trail an extension cable in through a window. I’ll work it out.

I’ve also been looking at thermal waterproofs on Ebay - I don’t want to wear one of those tent cover things if it rains, and I already have a decent waterproof jacket and walking boots, so I’ll just need to get the trousers. The clip things for walking sticks are cheaper on Ebay too.

Right, think I’m sorted - I’ve ordered the scooter, I’m arranging storage, it will be itemised on my contents insurance, I’ll get waterproofs and a walking stick clip from Ebay, I’ll work out how to get the scooter and the dog in and out of the car after it arrives and I’ll order a ramp then if need be.

Have I forgotten anything?

L x

The key thing is that a scooter gives you the freedom to go out. I live out in the sticks and use mine walking my St Bernard (on a lead on roads) across the countryside. I get lots of strange looks but what the ****.

MS might have changed the way I live but I still try to live…


ps. as for insurance I don’t bother as I keep the scooter locked in a giant shed whilst when on the move people tend to get out of the way of a combined 28 stone.

When it rains the water will run straight off your jacket and you will soon find you are 'sitting 'in a puddle.l bought a pair of waterproof fleecy lined trousers from cottontraders [in the sale] They are great for the winter. Or a pair of just waterproof trousers to wear over your normal ones.Make sure your waterproofs go over your boots otherwise the rain will go straight inside your boots. Your legs will get cold on a scooter - so do wear long thick ski socks. l also have a long riding mac which does reach as far as my boots. l do carry a cycling cape stuffed into the carrier - in case l get caught out. - Just be prepared - and go out with your dog - lt will change your whole perspective - meeting other dog walkers as well. Word of warning - the batteries do not like very cold weather so make sure your scooter is well protected. Luckily this winter has been very mild.


[known as Penelope Pitstop by some in the village]

hiya, try the site, the and look at the various storage solutions, one of which is suitable for a mobility scooter, prices start at £390 for the silver one and go upto a wood grain type at over £500, the box must be laid on a solid base, I’m in the middle of getting one to suit new scooter, brian

Thanks again for your comments,

Phil - the scooter is going to be insured, with my luck, it would be stupid not to - I can’t afford to replace it if something goes horribly wrong, and Direct Line will add it to my contents insurance for free, but it’ll be itemised on my policy for 3rd party liability.

Frances - thanks for the advice. I was already thinking that leggings under jogging bottoms (jeans will be too cold) under waterproofs would be the way to go, I knew about the trousers outside the boots thing (in my previous life, I used to go hillwalking), but I hadn’t thought about the puddle effect. I’ll also have a look at longer macs - I don’t want one of those tent things mainly because I think that if I need to go and pick up after the dog, it will be almost impossible to get off and on the scooter!

Brian - thanks for the tip, I’ll have a look at that site

L x