I have RRMS, I am due to have a head mri in a couple of weeks. It is in a mobile unit. I really do not like head mri’s, and its even worse in a mobile unit. Any help how to make these easier, to get through?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have RRMS, I am due to have a head mri in a couple of weeks. It is in a mobile unit. I really do not like head mri’s, and its even worse in a mobile unit. Any help how to make these easier, to get through?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Anti-anxiety meds from the GP, perhaps? The GPs don’t like prescribing them long term because they tend to be so habit-forming, but the kind of short term use we’re talking about here shouldn’t be a problem. You would need to get someone to drive you, obviously!
I don’t usually mind MRIs personally, but last time I did get shouted at for swallowing, if you please, which I did feel a bit miffed about! Usually the radiographers are very nice and reassuring, though.
My first ever MRI was supposed to be in a mobile unit, and I don’t advise my technique…it was to be 24 stone at the time, and being unable to fit in the machine haha. Lost 8 stone since, so not an issue these days.
So get in mindset, “at least I can fit in unlike that fat git swanjackal”. Maybe that might help
On a serious note, deep breathing before hand or as mentioned speak to GP. Good luck
Never ben in a mobile Mri so can’t comment on that. No issues now as I’m used to them. When I started I just closed my eyes before you are slid in and then start trying to make music out of the clangs, bzzzz,thumb and other sounds. Was a nice distraction. Though I did get told off a few times because I’d bob my head with my tune. Bad tune but good distraction.
Mentioned that on here before which is when someone told me a Metallica song was based on the sound an Mri machine makes. Could work as a distraction provided you stay still. And maybe get some something from the GP. I’ve had diazepam (sp?) for anxiety before I would agree to a second lumbar puncture… 1st really wasn’t very nice. Either seconde was great or the Diazepam made it great. Sure a GP would prescribe it or similar at a low dose for single use.
Every MRI I had was in a mobile unit until the last one in a “proper” MRI suite in hospital - they are not pleasant but the one in the hospital was much better - my mate get diazpam to calm his nerves and it would certainly help…