magnesium oil

Good Morning MrsH, What do you think? Would it add something to my Marmite and marmalade? Seriously though this sounds good, for the muscles of course, will try it. Paul

[quote=“Paul3”] Good Morning MrsH, What do you think? Would it add something to my Marmite and marmalade? Seriously though this sounds good, for the muscles of course, will try it. Paul [/quote] - lf l have kippers for breakfast - l always have toast and marmalade with them. The sharp sweet taste of the marmalade takes the ever-repeating kipper taste away.

l too, suffer with psoriasis [another auto-immune problem] its on my scalp - so l did anoint it with the magspray last night - stung for about 20mins - but seems more comfortable this morning. Begining to think l might buy the more economical 1litre bottle for £35.

hope you all slept better


F…well that makes complete sense…I have, unexplainedly, in the last few years, developed psoriasis on my forehead and scalp !! It seems to flare up when I’m not “feeling well”… Now I know these episodes are relapses. And Paul, let’s face it, nothing would make the prospect of marmite and marmalade any worse !! I am usually quite cynical about remedies that purport to be “cure alls”, but I have to be honest, I am really, really impressed with this spray…I remembered to use it last night and had much less muscle twitching and no spasticity or jerks at all. Xx

F…well that makes complete sense…I have, unexplainedly, in the last few years, developed psoriasis on my forehead and scalp !! It seems to flare up when I’m not “feeling well”… Now I know these episodes are relapses. And Paul, let’s face it, nothing would make the prospect of marmite and marmalade any worse !! I am usually quite cynical about remedies that purport to be “cure alls”, but I have to be honest, I am really, really impressed with this spray…I remembered to use it last night and had much less muscle twitching and no spasticity or jerks at all. Xx


Wow, I didn’t know that psoriasis was an auto immune disease. I’ve had it since I was about 10 years old, so never bothered to researched it, not even Googled it! Have done so just now, and realise this might explain the awful pain in my knees that I sometimes experience.

I was so tired last night, I didn’t ‘mag up’ before I went to bed. Grr, wish I had!

Just google vitamin d3 deficiency psoriasis/arthritis - thats why they recommend ultra-violet treatment to help with psoriasis- and vitamin d3 supplement.

Hypertension is another - [high blood pressure] -

My young vet [handsome-gorgeous - oh l could go on but l mustn’t] has psoriasis on his arms and hands - [unfortunately thats all l have seen] he said when he was working in Australia it cleared up completely. l told him what l had found out about psoriasis and vitd3 deficiency and he was so interested and was ‘googling’ it straightaway. Must tell him about the mag-oil - trouble is it will be 6months before he comes back again to check the horses teeth. l will text him. Wonder if the mag-oil would help ponies with sweet-itch - it is supposed to help with childrens excema.

Now don’t forget to ‘mag up’ everyone. Or put epsom salts in the bath/footbath and enjoy a soak.


Sooty, F…hypertension is another what ?? I also have high blood pressure, although massively improved by stopping my usage of adding salt to food, it would still benefit from coming down a bit more. Thanks Xx

That should have said sorry not sooty !!

High BP is another thing connected with psoriasis.

I don’t understand how I have two auto immune diseases linked to Vit D deficiency. I spent most of my childhood outside, a lot of the time in southern Africa and all sorts of other lovely warm places. I was a very lucky kid. I love being outside, and I love the sun!

So, are both hypertension and psoriasis both connected with vit d deficiency coz now I’m wondering if I take enough…I take 400iu (not sure what it means) per day.

We need a dose of vitd3/sun everyday. Our bodies will absorb 20.000ius of vitd3 in 15mins - thats stripped off in bright sun - after that you just burn. l have bought several books on vitd3 - as l seem to have all the symptoms going - except the high BP. Greedy l know - ms/osteoarthritis/coeliac/lBS/psoriasis. And 17types of cancer is attributed to vitd3 deficiency. All auto-immune. l have always been a outdoor girl - have the rosy cheeks to prove it.


Just an update as I’ve been using the mag oil for the longest, my skin is getting very dry on my legs and the hand I use to rub the oil in so maybe an idea to use a moisturizer is you don’t already. Still feeling the benefits though so will continue and try and remember to moisturize as well xx

So, what is the recommended dose?

I use 5000 iu a day just got levels checked and all good. X

To maintain a good level you need 5000ius daily. [babies 1000ius older children 2500] l now take 10.000ius a day - still have not reached the optimum level. Did take 20.000ius a day for about 3yrs as my levels were rockbottom. Last test they were 98 -and 150/225 is the recommended level.

Bloomin heck…mine are only 400…that means I need to take 12 a day ??? That sounds a lot…it says on the back to take one a day, which is why I do. Also how can you get your level checked because it would be interesting to know if I’m deficient ? Thanks Xx

I had a blood test at the doctors, I brought mine from amazon, 1 pill 5000iu. Worth getting a blood test done.xx

Ok so now I’m even more puzzled. Just gone to buy some higher strength vit d…and the vit d only comes in 400iu but vit d3 comes in 2000iu…but what’s the difference between vit d and d3?

I’m taking D3 500iu. No idea if that is worth taking??