Lumber Puncture - IV Needed? Any Tips?

Hi All

I have finally been booked for my Lumber Puncture tomorrow, only been waiting since October, anyway, can you tell me if an IV is put in your arm for this procedure. I’m trying not to get myself worked up but with a massive fear of needles I’m finding it hard. Only had an IV once in my life, back in September and had a total panic attack when they couldn’t get in. Just trying to prepare. Any tips from those that have had this, my lower back is already in agony with a bulging disc too so not looking forward to the extra pain on top of everything else.



My LP did not involve being put on a drip. What goes on is out of your sight. Mine didn’t hurt, either. The anticipation was by far the worst bit.


I would make sure you take some painkillers an hour before your LP if you have back pain.
I have arthritis and severe spinal canal stenosis and they struggled to complete my LP.
A consultant had to take over after 5 or 6 previous attempts to get fluid and succeeded in the end.
I also had some diazepam before hand as I get spasms and needed to be relaxed and not to move.
Explain you have back problems and where in the spine your bulging disc is .
Try not to worry most people have no problems having a LP.
After the LP you will lie flat on your back for about 1 to 2 hours. It’s recommended that you drink plenty of coke afterwards to prevent headaches and take it easy for a day or two.



Thanks for your reply, i too have arthritis and severe spinal canal stenosis, I am having an operation on it in the next few weeks, in fact I don’t think there is any part of my spine that is ok. it is constantly cramping so they are going to have fun with me.

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No Need to worry, waited 6 months to get an appointment just for it to be cancelled a moment ago. Colchester hospital haven’t had anyone who can do the procedure since October so they outsourced privately but forgot to tell the private hospital that they cant take samples in on a weekend… I have just about had it with ESNEFT Hospitals…

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I had lumbar decompression surgery 8 weeks ago today and I’ve just had my post operative appointment today.
All went well and the operation has vastly improved the sciatic pain in my legs and helped my posture.
My lower back pain is much the same but my Consultant feels this should also improve in the next few months.
I’ve been advised the best exercise for me is walking and to continue with physio and losing some weight will all help.
Good luck with your surgery.


Hope your Lumbar puncture goes ok when you have it … tbh i didn’t have the best experience. From a training doctor it was a first for them and me …:sleepy::joy:

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No IV involved. Mine wasn’t painful. I would suggest making sure you’re well hydrated. I had a headache for a week after mine because I hadn’t had enough fluids

I remember lying on my side and they took a sample or two of spinal fluid from the small of my back.
It was fine, I don’t mind needles; LP not as gory as bone marrow biopsy, I didn’t mind that either. Best regards.

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That’s bad luck. One psyches one’s self up for these things and it all takes energy, doesn’t it?

Indeed, what makes me laugh is all this happened after I got the local MP involved due to the sub par care and miraculously I had my LP call and booked in within 10 days…then this.

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