My LP appointment has come through for Monday! Relieved to have it booked but a little bit nervous xxx
Good luck for Monday. It’s not high on anyone’s list of fun things to do but they’re not that bad really. My way of looking at it was that it was another step closer to knowing what was wrong. I’m sure you’ve already read up on what to expect, lie flat for as long as poss afterwards, drink plenty etc etc
Tracey x
Hi Kaz,
Good luck with appointment, I have mentioned on posts before how much of a wimp I am, I’m frightened of needles and pass out at the sight of blood etc, but to be honest my LP was absolutely fine. If I can do it anyone can!!
It’s the thought of it thats the worst thing about it!
Take care
Good luck!!!
I declined mine much to the horror of registrar (despite him already giving me diagnosis!) Thankfully the consultant said I did not require it so then I didn’t feel so bad!
Good luck hun x
Thanks guys I really do appreciate the feedback. In an odd way I’m looking forward to it, as Tracey said, it’s a step towards finding out what’s going on. Especially as I have brain and spinal MRIs in two weeks as well. I will be glad to get the LP overwith though
Thanks guys I really do appreciate the feedback. In an odd way I’m looking forward to it, as Tracey said, it’s a step towards finding out what’s going on. Especially as I have brain and spinal MRIs in two weeks as well. I will be glad to get the LP overwith though
Thanks guys I really do appreciate the feedback. In an odd way I’m looking forward to it, as Tracey said, it’s a step towards finding out what’s going on. Especially as I have brain and spinal MRIs in two weeks as well. I will be glad to get the LP overwith though
Apologies for the multiple replies! xxx
Hi. My LP finally gave me a definite diagnosis of PPMS and although it was a shock I know now what’s wrong. It’s worth it.
Cath x
Interesting that they are doing LP before MRI’s though.
I agree with Becky, the thought is worse than the event.
I did get the post LP headache for about a week afterwards though, so do make sure you try and stay led down for as long as possible after and drink lots of caffine.
Good luck.
Thanks guys Cath, I’m sorry that was your diagnosis but as you say, at least you know ehat you are dealing with. I almost don’t care what this turns out to be so long as I finally get some answers. Dingbat, I’ve had two previous brain scans that didn’t show anything. xx
Good luck kaz - take in a 2 litre bottle of coke (release the cap and release some of the fizz as too much fizz will give you a gassy feeling when lying down) and take in a bendy straw. After the lumbar puncture drink as much of the coke as possible (full fat coke) - because you’ll be lying down that’s where the straw comes in handy. The hospital had advised me on the straw and the 2litre bottle of full fat coke prior to the lumbar puncture and following the lumbar puncture I did what they said and then when I got home I rested and laid flat and had no headache
Thank you Karina! I’ll do that xxx
Here’s another tip, Kaz
Ask whoever does it to wait an extra couple of minutes after giving you the local.
That way you may not feel anything.
Somebody to talk to while you are flat on your back can be a big help, as well.
Thanks Geoff My partner is coming to hold my hand
Oh and don’t be surprised if they tip the bed slightly - they tilted the bed so that I was flat and my legs were slightly higher than my head
just to say I had mine last week and she used a new kind of needle that means NO headaches or having to lie down or drink afterwards. just carry on as per. the local was the worst bit then it wasnt too bad. you’ll be fine. x
Hi Kel Let’s hope Cornwall Nhs has those needles! xxx