LP booked at last!

Dear All,

I just got the long awaited call to come in for my LP and I’m so happy that this is the final furlong. As in, I know they might take a watch and wait but for me, either seeing those bands there or not will mean something. I know there’s a small statistic who don’t carry the Oligoclonal bands and I do get that, but I’m assuming I won’t be one! I don’t think I am having any Evoked Potential as my Neuro has just referred for this one only following my MRI.

I’m now panicking that I will pick up Corona from my NHS job so should stay home until it happens…clutching at straws but I don’t want to risk not having my test…is that nuts?

I’m having a “no painkillers” day today. I want to feel any little symptom that comes up. So far, just left foot pain and low back pain (but the back pain is quite normal for me). Also a lot of Tinnitus but that is normal too.

I was at the point of looking into private consultation. However, I know that I would merely be diagnosed then put back into an nhs system and I don’t want to risk going to the start all over again.

I just wanted to say here that anyone waiting for diagnostics, take heart - things are starting up again all over (I’m London) and I was expecting a way longer wait time than this. I’m really encouraged.

Jo x

Good luck Hopefully if taking precautions then covid risk will be minimal and key worker testing available quickly if need be Im waiting for first neuro appt still and lots cancelled appt so think London restart bbe a bit further on

Good luck chuck!
