Can anyone help me .my husband claims carers allowence for me in febuary he will be 65 and he will no longer be able to claim carers allowence for me.i don,t know what to do as we rely a lot on this money to keep going.if i reapply again in my name will this start the ball rolling as far as pip goes.i am on higher rate dvla indefinitely at the moment and i really don,t want to risk claiming carers allowence if there is a chance it will start the pip process off.anyone got any advice please
Think I replied to this earlier.
CA is usually replaced by the state pension if enough payments have been made.
If not, then income support may be paid.
The way it works is that HE loses Carers Allowance.
YOU now claim Attendance Allowance as soon as you get to 65.
If the age gap is big, then you have to risk starting the PIP process
I do not know if I would take the chance - but then I am old enough not to need to. Attendance allowance is good because it is not means-tested.
hi i am 56 so i,ve a few years to go until my pension if it means i will start the pip process off i will do without the carers as i know i will lose my higher rate mobility thanks to the 20m ruling.thanks for the info
I answered this on your duplicate post but there is no possibility of claiming carers allowance for yourself - irrespective of the fact that it might trigger early transference to PIP. If you report a change of circumstances that would affect the rate of payment of DLA you MIGHT be invited to apply for PIP early. But this is not a possibility since a) you cannot claim carers allowance to care for yourself and b) that change would not affect your entitlement to DLA.
Your husband who was claiming carers allowance will get his OAP when he turns 65 and you will be better off than you are now. Although you would get no money - your husband can be registered as having underlying entitlement to carers allowance this would give you premiums on things like housing benefit and council tax benefit.
Someone else could get carers allowance for you providing they do not work or claim other benefits. Making this change would not trigger a swap to PIP.
Hopefully by the time your DLA is transferred to PIP the cruel 20M rule might have changed. (Only if we get a change of government, I fear)
BTW If you are claiming DLA/PIP before 65 you do not transfer to attendance allowance but continue on PIP/DLA. Attendance allowance is not as good as PIP/DLA because there is no mobility portion and so no possibility of a motability car! It is only new claimants over 65 who get AA