21 year old Male
I have not been diagnosed with MS but I have had some weird sensory symptoms the last few months. It started with a cold wet feeling on my face that could happen on both sides and come and go throughout the day many times. It went away for about a month and I felt great and then it slowly came back. Now it is more like a water stream feeling on both temples that can drop down my cheek on both sides. Again, this can happen randomly many times a day and sometimes I dont feel a thing and sometimes it can happen on both sides, one side, or both sides at the same time in the same place. I also have this crawly feeling on my skin sometimes. My doctor diagnosed me with health anxiety because of a bad bout of it in the summer for a few months and he thinks these symptoms are all stress related but he ordered me an MRI for Jan 3rd to ease my mind. What do you guys think? I am not sure if I should have posted here and I am sorry if I have offended anyone. thank you.