
Hi all, once again. I have read numerous responses. Once again I am a chartered electrical engineer CEng 1984. I hyave had sec. progressive MS since 1983 and consider survival from day to day an achivement. I live on the Med coast of Spain. No, aluminium foil wont work, only steel. I have simply used the remaining grey matter and I believe made a significant discovery. If not, I could be equally silly, Dr Geoff and friends, who are not seriously affected by this condition, because if they were they would be eager to try these ideas which I promise you, work! I am not selling you anything! The price on good health would be out of this world! If this blog had been around in Newton’s day, I wonder if he’d had the same flack I have received. Just buy a pack of steel wirewool from the local hardware shop (somebody else has to do it for me these days) Hold it close on your scalp whilst watching TV then tell me I’m a charloten (excuse spelling) and I promise I will leave you to your destiny.

This is just the beginning. I am going to blow the lid off not justMS but many other health problems caused by very low frequency electromagnetic fields acting on/causing iron depositsion the body. If you have read any of the papers on the net that talk about iron metbolism you will note that without exception they report excess iron causes ‘poisonning’ because they do not understand that in relity the iron atoms are vibrating because of electromagnetic fields. With simple screening it can be stopped! Write to me personally at [email removed for safety reasons] and I will send you results of tabletop experiments with photos that demonstrate this!

In writing all this on this blog I am following the advice of Proff Rowitch and the University of San Francisco with whom I have had much contact for nearly 3 years.

Wishing readers better health.

Simon Ewart-Grist

If you feel you have made a worthwhile contribution to understanding the cause and effect of MS then good for you. However do not expect others to not have questions and doubts and please do not claim to know how badly people you have not taken the time to know are affected by this disease. There may be plently of people far worse than you who dont want to try your ‘amatuer’ science experiments, because there is no proof - DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE BY YOUR OWN STANDARDS.

[quote=Simon Ewart-Grist}
I could be equally silly, Dr Geoff and friends, who are not seriously affected by this condition, because if they were they would be eager to try these ideas which I promise you, work!

You do give yourself away by that remark, Simon.
My MS is bad enough to have me rated as 6.5 on the EDSS scale, and at least one of the other people who has questioned your unusual, and untested approach has had MS for far longer than I.
You simply do not know what you are talking about.
