Living Wills


Does anyone have any experience of setting up a Living Will, or a Lasting Power of Attorney to help with medical and welfare choices? I have been thinking of setting one up on the “just in case” as I am currently young and relatively active but fear for the future.

Any opinions or experiences always welcome. :slight_smile:



Hello Rachael

Go to and write living wills in search box.

You will see that its now reffered to as “Advance Decisions” its something, I too am giving a lot of thought to.

Hope this helps

Hi Blossom, thanks fot the link. It’s something I have been giving a lot of thought about as well, it must be the New year and trying to get organised All the best for 2014

Hi Rachael,

Lasting Powers of Attorney replaced Enduring Powers of Attorney a few years back
The nutshell version is that an LPA is split in two - financial, and welfare.
These have nothing to do with Wills (which determine what happens to your estate). The term “Living Will” tends to be an American expression, but is the equivalent of the financial side of an LPA.

It is very complex, but those who you appoint as attorneys take over when you are deemed (by them) to be no longer competent to make good decisions.
The financial side may be handling which home you go into when you can no longer care for yourself.
The welfare side may do the same thing but with a different viewpoint (like stopping some social worker from putting you into a home where none of your friends can get into to visit).

You can always challenge social services decisions - the lawyers will love you - but this will take time and money, and involve the Court of Protection.

Do your research first, then take advantage of the scheme where you get the first 30 minutes free at a local solicitors, or go to one of the other Advice services.


Hi Rachael

My husband and I have recently both taken out Lasting Power of Attorney, both financial and welfare. We cited each other for PofA with our sons as joint secondary Attorneys. It was pretty straightforward though lots of forms to sign. Am not young - in my fifties - but still working and doing pretty wel. Hopefully I’ll never need it but it’s done now just in case. Plan for the worst and hope for the best I guess!
