Howzit ya’ll, names TonE. Im from the deep south pacific, where things like MS wasn’t something anyone talks about. Even tho its as REAL as it gets:100: TBH i wasn’t diagnosed with MS yet or even gave it a thought? But just from seeing ya’lls stories n Qs got me feeling like yo idk why but I understood most of yalls stories.
. I’ve always felt like an outcast, problematic , Weird and Most of all ALONE.
I would have discussions with ppl about life , meaning and purpose of?.. N would realize that most folks think they know what you meant? But really had no damn clue. Smh. So at times i would apologize for causing them confusions… lol like when I try to let them know how I am really. Its like being so Alone in a House crowded with ppl…? Stay blessed, stay fresh and enjoy your times with the few real ones you have:blue_heart: