Ok quick summary.
sx - overactive bladder 1st, now gone pretty much, took vesicare for a bit but since cut down on caffeine and ESPECIALLY sweetener it has gone now. Had it for about 2 months.
about the same time as oab I have had a spot on m left back, about the size of say an apple which tingles. Not numb. NO pan. Just feels like pins and needles. Always same spot.
ok, so my physio said trapped nerve. I go for physio which def helps. But if I don’t go it comes back.
what scares me is this: it is activated often by a chin down position. Most lhermites say it’s a electric shock down back and odd feelings in some areas. This feels nothing like that. If I’m washing up, after say 30 seconds in this posture, it mildly tingles. This will increase if I keep doing it , but. It is NOT instant
can sit with my head any position, including chin to chest and never feel a thing. Ditto for sat down in chair relaxed,the only time I get it is walkng around looking down at my phone or sat at desk looking down at phone. I have had this through poor posture as much as chin down, so I have had this without moving neck.
it is weird though. Could this be lhermittes? Has anyone has a lhermittes which was gradual ie not immediate on bendng head, a phenomena that builds. Nothing like. A electric shock? Also isolated to a small area on left shoulder blade. Def gets worse when chin down it think, but not sole trigger"
my my onl other sx are twitches and v. Mild jerks and tremors all over body mainly hands arms and calves, but can happen anywhere ( doesn’t sound ms like ). I have no lethargy, iv noticed a few flashes and floaters larely but remember them all my life and prob jus didn’t notice before. The oab is gone, the jerks I can live with. Lhetmittes I don’t understand. There is a. Lack of info online and I want to know that my sx are or aren’t troubling . Doesn’t sound like they describe, iv pushed my head in all directions but feel Nowt. Only if I walk head down for a bit does the tingling start. Help or i info. Appreciated much love. X