Lhermitte's anyone?

Does anyone experience the Lhermitte’s symptoms? I’m sick off it, even slight flex of head is giving really sharp electric shocks down left leg and foot, tingling to left arm and burning back of neck and shoulder blade- gone really numb here, sometimes a cold burn feeling. If it is pinched nerve I hope it can be treated some how? Ally

Sorry my iPad got ‘stuck’ and ended up posting 3 times - short term memory not that bad! Ally

Hi Ally

I get l’hermittes during a relapse. It’s not too painful though - for me it’s like a tingly electric currant that buzzes down my legs I’ve got a lesion at the top of my spine which I assumed was responsible. I’d thought pre diagnosis that it may be a trapped nerve - it may be worth checking yours out just incase and then at least you could rule it out if not.

Mine lasted a while but is gone now. I hope that you get some relief from it soon as it sounds very painful and must be driving you nuts.

Best wishes

Jane x

hi Ally yes i have L’hermittes it was one of the biggest giverways to my dx its horrible, i still have it but i have amitriptaline tabs which helps alot. do you have spinel cord damage your neurologist would have told u if u have had spine mri. this l’hermittes is when the ms has attacked the malin on ur spinel cord coursin the electic shocks cos the cord is not protected x

Hi Paula, I had spinal MRI week ago, get results Tuesday, not been referred to neurologist yet, GP was worried it would get bounced back? I pushed it a bit and she said we’ll see after results.was referred to spine clinic initially who are physio led, they are good and listened to my other symptoms and did various assessments so glad saw them first. The physio did speak about myelin damage, my muscles are as stiff as wood he said. What I am concerned about though is if it is a trapped nerve etc. why am I getting awful pain in jaw, ear, numb chin/ cheek, lip, crawling awful feeling in face, this was reallybad last nigh and this morn, taking gabapentin which helps but gonna have to increase amount. Also increasing episodes over few days of sharp pain back of left eye for 5seconds, I know it’s coming as eye blurs over first, makes eyes water - I’m not sure this is optic neuritis?? Or just relating to other nerve probs? Just gone deaf and ringing ion left ear for few seconds also, daily new and changing or increasing symptoms and pain is bad at times. My question is, would the nerve pain and numbness travel upwards??? ( I have it down left neck, arm, hand, axils, flank, leg.) Thanks Paula, Ally x

Hi, just to update… Strangely just got off phone from the physio, he rang me to say he had alerted senior to my symptoms and they reviewed MRI result; no sign of trapped nerve, disc prob, nothing remarkable. Sorting me out earlier appointment with them and he said they would refer to neurology. I guess I now join the queue to limbo land. Ally

hi ally just woke up i have restless leg syndrome and was up most of the night. optic neuritis yes its very painfull i have it, my neurologist said that optic neu…is a relapes. lots of what ur feeling sounds like ms, but it takes so long to diagnose because it mimicks so meny other probs. be patient it can take time so keep busy if u can coz worry wont help how u feel .

keep me posted flower

paula x

I get the electric shock feeling down my spine also, I was told it sounded like l’hermitte’s sign ( I am waiting for confirmation of diagnosis at present) glad to hear physio are gna push ur neuro referral forward Allyf123. Take care all