Let's hear it for the DVLA!

OK, so the DVLA gets a lot of stick, here, including from me at times. Now they have surprised me.

In the late Autumn the wrote to remind me that my licence was due for renewal in January. I sent off the form to renew the licence during the week before Christmas (they had sent the “medical” forms with the reminder). In January, I got a new set of medical forms to complete. There have been a lot of Consultant changes at the hospital I attend, so I had to mail the senior MS nurse and ask which name I should put down. This lot went in the post in mid-Jan.

Last Thursday (not quite halfway through Feb) my new licence turned up in the post. Some people have to wait for 5-6 months or more, so I think this was an excellent service.

Anyway, here I am with a nice shiny new licence for three years. I have not been restricted to cars with an automatic gearbox (although I did say that I could not use a manual shift) but they have still left me with my “Class H” permission. Class H, you ask? Well I passed my Class H in a Centurion Mk7 Main Battle Tank (twice).


I got my licence back yesterday, however I did send it in April 2013, so not the super efficient service you received! But just happy to have it! Tank driving sounds like scary fun, what an adventurous life you have had Geoff.

Hi I don’t suppose my licence was with yours was it? Only been waiting since September ! Neil

what its the procedure for informing DVLA of a MS diagnosis - do I do it or does my consultant ?? I am getting mixed info from different poeple none of which have MS - please advise

what its the procedure for informing DVLA of a MS diagnosis - do I do it or does my consultant ?? I am getting mixed info from different poeple none of which have MS - please advise

You have to do it. You should also notify your Insurance Co. (if appropriate), or they can say that you with-held material information. When you write to them say that the DVLA have been informed. Note that they cannot increase your premium.


Hi Geoff thats awesome very rare DVLA does anything fast :slight_smile: i got H class in a M3 lifeboat tractor though i doubt i will ever use it again now lol

respect sheep

Thanks for that Dr Geoff will get onto it right away