Just wondered if anyone elses leg pain gets alot worse when sitting in a car ?
Mine is so bad when sitting in that position .It feels like my leg circulation is being cut off or something .If im sitting like it for more than 15 mins it makes me want to cry they ache so much.
When iwalk they feel weak and ache but its not the same as when im sitting down .
Anyone else get this ?
Sam xx
Hi Sam
My legs and feet burn rather than ache, and they burn when sitting or walking. All these horrible symptoms can really get you down cant they.
Sorry you having a rubbish time Sam, rest up and look after yourself.
Paula xx
Thanks Paula
Yes mine also burn ,at the moment they feel like they are on fire and they feel like they are throbbing ,it’s horrible . Not sure what else I can take other than the amitriptyline and Pregabalin . My kids have definitely had enough of me these 6 weeks holidays lol Sam xx
Hi Sam, My leg pain is much worse when sitting. I have put it down to ’ stiffening’ up, will go doolally if I try and work out the whys and wherefores. I am also on amitriptyline and do think it works to an extent. If I am having a really bad day it doesn’t get rid of the pain completely and doesn’t do much when burning really bad like during relapse rather than flare up. I am only on 20 mg per night tho, the sun is working wonders for me getting my vit D fix and my legs don’t ache as much. It’s not humid up North tho! Carolyne
Hi Sam,
Yes my legs ache all the time, just sitting down makes them ache, and if I have been out shopping for too long, I will suffer.Not been dx yet, just waiting on MRI results.