Hi everyone
I was lucky enough to have my MRI scan yesterday. I am now waiting on a phone call from my neuro with the results.
Im really not sure what questions I should ask him.
I just wondered if I could get some pointers on what to ask if it is ms. Its so difficult to get a chance to talk to them I just dont want to miss something important I should ask.
Thanks in advance
Were you told to expect a phone call? Won’t you have an appointment to discuss results?
I was referred to neuro after the spinal unit gave me an MRI and then referred me (so a bit backwards).
The neuro did family history, discussed symptoms and gave me a physical exam - he then sent me for the head MRI and reappointed to see me a few weeks after that.
So I’m not sure they would just phone thru results…
Sonia x
Yes the ms nurse said he would call me with the results, I have an appointment to see her next week. so I may possibly see him then.
Hi, I think it is unusual to get mri results via the phone.
If the results give a positive result for MS, no doubt you will have lots of questions. Maybe they should be saved and added to for when you see the MS nurse.
If the results are negative for MS, then you will need to know about follow up appointments and any further tets/investigations.