Question about getting results from tests

Hi, basically, 14 months ago I had an MRI scan, the hospital decided to leave it 12 months before telling me I had abnormalities. BUt it was the neuro that told me that and I was dumb enough not to ask what the abnormalities were. Can I ring the secretary and ask her to send me them through the post together with any results that have come back from my LP and evoked response test thingy? It seems that from reading other posts, patients have been sent results by letter…just wondering

Hi Amanda,
If the Secretary is no help try to see / call your GP to see if they have had any results through and if they can talk to you about them. I used to have a great GP who would let me book a double appointment to talk results through. It was really helpful when I was first getting diagnosed with MS.
Good luck

Isobel x

Yes my GP gets all my letters and I went to him yesterday (actually about my daughter but happened to ask if he had any latest letters about me) and he printed me off the latest letter and gave me copy, even though the neuro said in the letter said they would not be sending me a copy (probably not to worry me), the GP still gave it to me and said ‘its basically about me so my right is to see it’.

I’ve been copied into all the letters, but I wish now that they had waited until the appointment as it contains information that needs explaining.

hmmm. when I spoke to my GP last week, he said that he had received no correspondence at all and wanted to know if the neuro said why the scan was abnormal!!! is this just the hospial being slack or can it be normal procedure?

i think i’m getting quite annoyed now at how I am being treated…

Hi Amanda x My GP rang around while I was sitting with her - she also dictated a letter to be sent there & then xx keep pushing xxxjenxxx