It may have come to your attention that a thread titled ‘Bad jokes’ has been removed. There was a reasonable probability that any member of the public may have chanced upon this thread.
A number of jokes in that thread may have led to the MS Society attracting unwanted publicity.
This is a reality- whether you agree with the principle or not. Damage to the reputation of the MS Society could prove ruinous.
In our Terms of Use:
‘You agree not to participate in any mischievous or malicious behaviour which causes damage or may cause damage to the MS Society or the Website, or any of the computer systems upon which the Website relies.
We may from time to time also edit or remove posts which are contrary to these Terms of Use or not constructive to the overall purpose of the MS Society’
People are free to private message jokes or share them via Facebook or other forums. The problem lies in posting a potentially offensive joke, on a public forum on the MS Society website.
We aim for the MS Society forum to be seen as a welcoming, friendly, supportive place to all. If one person, who’s new to the forums feels intimidated, upset or offended by a joke or comment on the forum, then we have failed as an organisation and as a community.
If you see a joke or a comment that leaves you uncomfortable, or suspect may not present the MS Society in its best light, please don’t hesitate in reporting it.
I hope you understand and will work with us on this. As you know these forums are a brilliant space of support, information and shared understanding. It would serve us all best if we could keep them that way.
Best wishes Stewart (admin)