Is this the hug?

Hi all I’ve not been on this site for years. But early hours of this morning I was woken by sharp pains in my chest and back it feels like and heavy pressure and the feeling that you get just before you get cramp the pains keep coming in waves and it’s not nice! I have been to the walk in centre just to rule out anything else, they didn’t really know what it is and to contact my nurse but can’t do till Monday. I do feel nauseous and when I have had something to eat it brings on the feeling again! I did wrap a blanket tight around my chest and this did help alleviate the symptoms! I’ve never experienced this before and was wondering if it could be the hug!? Thanks for any help or advice emma

Hiya Emma,

Please see

Thanks I’ve had a read and I’m gonna phone my nurse in the morning

Hi Emma.

A couple of years ago I self diagnosed my MS hug having read about it. Then one night the pain got so bad I ended up being rushed to hospital. Turned out my “hug” was gall stones (previously undiagnosed) which caused pancreatitis, the pain was excruciating!

Hope this isn’t what’s happening to you but worth asking the question.

Best of luck x

Thanks I have wondered about this I did phone my nurse and she agrees it was the hug! My friend also has ms and has had the hug before and she says that’s what it’s like I also had the tight pressure again a few days later I am at hospital on Monday so will ask about it again, lol