Hey everyone, i’m gonna try to make this post a short one. (My english might be bad i’m sorry, i’m french canadian)
About 2 months ago, I had numbness in the tip of my fingers, it was a very mild numbness, but just enough so I could notice it. It lasted for about 1-2 days, then everything went back to normal.
About 1 1/2 week ago, I started having weird feelings/pain in both of my arms. Sometimes it was the left one, sometimes it was the right one. The feeling is very hard to explain, kinda like when you hit your elbow, but 1000x less painful than that. It was just really annoying. I wasn’t concerned at first, because I thought it would go away on its own…
But after 2-3 days of not going away, of course I had to look at my symptoms on google, one of the first thing that came up was MS. I started googling about MS like crazy, which gave me anxiety. The pain started to turn into a weird bubbling feeling (like a soda that is bubbling) mixted with muscle discomfort, once again, very mild, then my left leg started to have some mild tingling, then the same weird feeling as my arms. When it’s not my leg that’s acting weird, it’s my left arm, when it’s not my left arm, it’s my right one… I became obsessed about MS, i’m still googling about symptoms and the illness, my life lately has been only about MS and anxiety.
I know that the human brain is so strong, that it can somatize symptoms out of anxiety. I don’t know if all of this is from anxiety, because it is so subtle, I think i’ve had 2 or 3 times that I could really feel some REAL tingling, but most of the time, it’s very light/mild numbness/tingling and the feeling that my leg/arm is weak, but I can still walk normally, and lift things up as I always do. I don’t feel like i’m loosing muscle strength at all, it’s just a weak/heavy annoying sensation (almost like a tickly sensation). Also, since a couple of years, i’ve had weird nose itchiness (the skin outside of my nose, not inside), no matter how much I would scratch it, it wasn’t relieving. It would last 30 mins to an hour, then it would stop. This can happen 2-3 times a year, I just learned that it could be an MS symptom.
I went to my GP, he sent a request for a neurologist, but he said that it could take months before I get to see one because my symptoms are not severe.
Could this be MS ? Does MS start with such light/mild symptoms like that ? I don’t have any other symptoms. I am miserable right now I don’t know if it’s the anxiety and the fact that i’m just always focusing on the feeling of my body, or if the feeling is real. I don’t know if I symptoms because I think about it, or if I think about it because I have symptoms…
What do you guys think ? I even had an appointment with a psychic medium because I just couldn’t anymore. She told me she doesn’t see anything happening to me for a long time, but I take that with a grain of salt for obvious reasons.
Thank you all in advance for your answers!