Hi All, I am reaching out as a very scared and anxious person. I am certain I have MS but I am currently in a state of limbo. If I could tell you afew of my symptoms. About a week ago I started noticing tingling in my right foot, it could be longer but I think i put it down to poor cirulcation. I am also getting tingling in my hands. I feel what I can only describe as ‘spaced out’ ‘anxious’ ‘not with it’ I have very sweaty back of thighs, which is strange. I’m not sure if this is from the anxiety. I cannot sleep, it’s been 4 nights now without any sleep. I feel like I could fall asleep and then I jump and i’m wide awake again. I feel totally preoccpied with the way I am feeling and feel I can’t communicate well with others regarding anything that doesn’t involve what is going on in my head. I have been to the doctors and he has brushed my symptoms of as possible Raynaud’s and referred me to a nerve conduction test. I kept saying to the doctor but this doesnt explain my feeling of ‘spaced out’ ‘dizzy’ ‘anxious’ he said it would be down to me worrying about the tingling feet!? Well yes but i am also aware of how I am feeling. I am trying to go down the avenue of a private MRI as the doctor said he wouldn’t offer me one at this time. I feel completely alone and so scared. I have a very supportive partner who just doesn’t know what to do, but I feel I know it must be MS and it is breaking my heart to think our future may not be what we thought it was going to be. I am sorry that this message is negative. I suppose what I am asking is, will I feel better? Has anyone experienced similar symtoms to me and have managed to feel better? I am particulary worried about the brain fog, spaced out feeling and looking online everything points to this symptom staying and not improving. I don’t know if I can carry on if my head is going to feel like this. Do my symptoms sound like classical MS? Thank you for any response I get
Do this sound like MS? Not really no. Not in my personal experience anyway, and that’s all I have to go on. It does sound an awful lot like anxiety, though. I think we’re still taken by surprise by how powerfully our mental and emotional states can work upon our physical well-being and create symptoms that feel and are as real as a sprained ankle. We like to think the body is one thing in mind is another, but that’s really not the way it works. I think for now it would be a good idea to pay careful attention to your own doctor, and not be led into the woods by Dr Google. He’s a terrible diagnostician, Dr Google, and furthermore he couldn’t care less about you. Your own doctor knows more about you than any search engine. I am sorry that you are having such a worrying time.
Hello and my best wishes to you. Like Alison100 and based on my experience , this doesn’t sound at all like MS to me. I can tell however that you are very anxious and that the anxiety is causing you serious problems. Have you talked to your GP about anxiety and sought any help?
Hi A hope you start feeling a bit better soon. Tbh you are dealing with stress anxiety and sleep deprivation atm and worry. try and take some time out from doc google and make a appointment with your gp about your sleep and anxiety. Maby thy can help. keep a symtoms dairy. And see how you go . Any major problems seek medical advice. hope you get better soon .and try not to worry about things ps get some sleep
I agree with the others, this does not sound like MS. I know loads of people with MS and none have issues sleeping. Exception being the steroids can cause insominia for some of us and thats only to speed up recovery of a relapse so over in less than a week.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I am also experiencing twitches in my legs like shivering, I feel cold and then hot. My legs kind of jump when I’m trying to fall asleep. I feel like my eyesight isn’t quite right, things seem slightly hazy. One minute my hands are freezing then next sweating. With regards to in my head I feel like Im zoning out when people talk to me, struggling to follow what they are staying and getting stuck on my words abit. Please could I ask what your onset symptoms were? Taking into account the above would you say any of these symptoms resonate more towards MS? When I put my symptoms into Google (I know it is the devil and I don’t know why I do it to myself) but when I list everything I am feeling it points to MS and now I am going down possible MND. I have another doctor’s appointment today and I will try and explain myself better.
No mistaking my first symptoms. Over the space of a week or so i lost pretty much all vision in my right eye. An examination of the eye showed an inflamed and bulging optic nerve ( something that can be picked up by any optician examination) where it entered the eye ( i.e optic neuritis - which is a fairly common first symptom). Some time ( years) later the next symptom was suddenly losing control of my right leg. Unmistakeable symptoms.