Feefee’s phrase “lose my heed” made me think of this sketch. It always makes me laugh so, if you haven’t seen it before, I hope you enjoy it and it gives you a lift (pun intended)
Karen x
PS I am Scottish, just in case you wondered.
PPS There is some bad language and sexual reference in it, so please don’t watch it if you are offended by this.
Good thing you said that I was going to watch it - at work- on the NHS computers! Imagine what IT would have thought. Will wait tlll I get home
Brilliant LOL x and yeah i’m Scottish too
Ahhh okay -yeah I did think it would be lot worse
That is so funny…Eleven, ElevAn,.eeelevan. EeeeLlllVan!!..
Thank you for this, I needed a laugh!! Me and my husband love Scotland, miss it xx Sam x