So on top of the whole limboland thing and neuro appt on Monday I got a double whammy today. My grandma has been rushed into hospital and we aren’t sure what’s going on. She is 92 so it’s even more of a worry. Also my auntie has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I feel so bad because I really feel like I can’t cope with any more when others are going through so much worse. I’m sorry all I seem to do here is moan
Hi, you can moan all you want life is so s–t sometimes, and it always seems to happen to nice people. Take care and moan all you want you have every reason to at the moment with all that’s going on. Karen x
I hope your grandma and aunty are OK. Sorry that you have to go through this on top of everything else! Take care, Teresa xx
Hi Nikki
I don’t know what to say!
What an awful lot you have to cope with at the moment.
Just wanted to send you a (hug) and i really hope it goes well for you on Monday.
Teresa. x
Oh Nikki, I’m so sorry it’s such a hard time for you.
When we’re feeling bad ourselves, things like this can seem like the last straw, especially when it’s family members who are involved and suffering.
It’s good to share how we feel and get it ‘outside’ of us, so it’s brill that you felt able to post. You know we all care & sending you (((hugs)))). I so hope Monday turns out to be a really good appointment.
Take care
Bren x
Thanks ladies I know I can always count on support (and hugs) here. Its been a bit of a bombshell day really and we cant get over to visit until next weekend.
The big hole in the garden is looking very tempting for me to climb in.
Oh dear, that’s horrible news
So sorry your grandma and aunt are ill. It always seems to be the way doesn’t it, eh? When we are ill we get heaped on with so much other crap on top. Let’s hope that this is it now and you will get some really good news soon.
Hope your grandma and aunt can both recover well.
Best wishes to you and yours.
Nikki my thoughts are with you, i know how you feel only too well atm. Fingers crossed for your Grandma and your aunt (hugs) x
sonia x
Sonic you are going through a lot more than me and still seem to coping well unlike me. Hope your dad is doing ok
Hi Nikki, here`s some hugs from me too.
luv Pollx