How long did you have to wait for EMG results and follow up?

Hi am getting my follow up appointment next Monday, and hopefully my EMG results. I received a letter 7 days after the EMG test to book my appt with the neuro. Is this standard? or is that unusually quick? I had my first appt in July and didn’t have EmG test until October 1st and letter on the 8th. Stupid to be worried I know. Also the person doing the test didn’t tell me anything and said I would have to wait to see the neurologist, has anyone been given the results there and then? Any experiences would be greatly appreciated as I am probably worrying for nothing. Thankyou in advance.

My experience was a rather talkative operative with a “Yep this is all normal” every now and again… I recieved my official results at the GP’s about a week later!

The guy doing my EMG told me the my right side has marked muscle weakness although nerves were fine. I should have been seen at the beginning of November by my consultant but hospital has no appointments til end January so I will just have to wait. You are fortunate indeed to be seen so quickly. Hope all goes well for you.