How about this for service?!!!!

We have booked a cruise at the end of May to celebrate our Silver Wedding anniversary. My wheelchair has to be stored and I will get it back at each port. The cruise company only allow 12 full-time wheelchair users aboard.

We were a bit nervous about this as I can only walk for about 10 minutes before I get tired and even more wobbly. I mentioned this to my physio and she suggested I had a rollator. She said she wasn’t supposed to order things just for holidays but it may help me walk a bit further than my standard 10 minutes. Anyway, that was late Wednesday afternoon; it arrived half an hour ago! Less than 48 hours from asking to delivery, I think that’s great service!!

Sarah x

Hiya Sarah

I attended my GP-bouncing off the walls on the way up the corridor! (Crawling is acceptable in the comfort of my own home!) The very next day I was in the physio dept getting my 4 wheeled walker!

There IS good service around for SOME departments in the NHS afterall

Have a fab hol!

Ellie x

Great service - hope it will help you.

I always park my car next to the trolley park and get a trolley to push to the supermarket.

Means I am close to the trolley park once I have loaded the shopping into my car as by then my legs are jelly!

Jen xx

Jen and Val

What u say re trolley’s is exactly how I knew that 4 wheels were better than 3! And the physio agreed

Ellie x

I’ve been to a Garden Centre with it this afternoon. We weren’t there very long but it felt so much better than using my stick and my husband or whoever I was with. It meant that I could explore where I wanted on my own and sit on it for a rest while my mum was paying for my goodies.

I used trolleys for a while at the supermarket and still do at our local little one. When we go to the big Tesco I take my wheelchair and self propel. It’s good exercise and if it’s quiet I have been known to have races down the aisle with my husband!

Anyway, I think my new acquisition is going to be very useful.

Sarah x