Home...and thank you everyone!

Hi gang, I’m home!!!

Firstly…thank you…all of you for your lovely and moving messages of support. I have read them all twice over and somehow managed to get dust in my eyes!

Thank you Nina for updating the gang and as always for being a tower of strength.

It went very well. As Nina said, the lymph nodes are clear so the cancer has not gone walkies around my body!!! That is very good news indeed.

I am very very very tired and my mobility is dreadful…but apart from that I’m not too bad at all. Pain is kept at bay with med’s.

Our NHS? What can I say? The hospital was brilliant. I couldn’t have had better care if I was a billionaire in the most expensive hospital in the world. ALL the staff were amazing…cleaners, nurses, doctors…everyone. In the recovery room I had my own nurse who’s job was just to look after me!!!

I shared a room with 3 lovely ladies…2 with breast cancer and one having voluntary masectomy as she has the breast cancer gene. All very friendly and nice and we all respected each other’s space. It was hard saying goodbye to them (another dust in the eyes moment).

Very glad to be back home though…so happy to see Dickie!!! My sister is staying till Friday and I’m not allowed to do anything!

I would like to say more but I’m fading again so I will say night night everyone.

Oh and my son…words cannot express how wonderful he has been. He took charge. It was just what I needed. I didn’t even need to think!

Love to all… Pat xx


Pat, So glad you are home with Dickie by yr side! Glad it went well. You rest up now. Your poor body has been through a lot and it needs to heal Sleep well and peacefully. Sending big hugs, Anne x


I’m happy to hear that you are home!!!

You are so strong, and doing so well. You should be really proud! I wish you a speedy recovery that is as comfortable as possible.


So pleased you are safely back home with Dickie,hope you recover well in the next few weeks.

J x


Good to see you back Pat.

Steve xx


Pat I’m so glad to hear you’re home and that there’s no lymph involvement. I hope you’re able to rest now and that you feel better soon.

Cath x


So glad you are safe and home the world is back on it’s axis. xx


Big Hugs. Message sent via the private message thingie


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Pleased that you are home Pat. Now is the time to rest and recuperate xxx

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Great new pat that things went well. I think you are so brave having faced cancer the way that you have.

Take care

Christine xx


So glad your home safe Pat, my sister has been through this, she was back at work very quickly and everything has been great since.

Dont forget to rest and just chill out and enjoy some good old fashioned pampering girl. xxx

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Hi Pat

Sorry I am late posting, just got back from a lovely few days at the seaside.

Glad you are home with Dickie, but try not to do too much too soon, give yourself time and rest as much as you can.

Even though they are fantastic in the hospital, there’s nothing like your own bed Pat, take care

Pam x


oh I am 5 days late and apologise for that my sweet!

I am so happy for you that the op went well and the nasty hadnt gone walkbout inside you.

Enjoy being taken care of and pamper, pamper, pamper.

much much love Pollyxxx


Glad to hear you’re home safe & well Pat. I’ve not been on the forum for a couple of weeks so missed the action as it were.

Sending you a gentle hug & lots of heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery

Sonia xx


I just wanted to say, its lovely to have you back Pat, the forum wouldn’t be the same without you, I always find that your messages are full of good advice, you have helped me such alot.

Love Michelle and Frazer xx


Thank you all so much.

Saw consultant today. Was a bit worried the last few days as there is a swelling near the surgery site…but he said perfectly normal & it will go down eventually.

Best news is that the cancer was very small and only stage 1…and all removed in surgery. I will still need the 4 weeks of radiotherapy and drug treatment…but really this is the very best outcome I could have hope for!!!

You all have left me such great supportive messages, but please don’t think you have to keep it up! I know you all care so don’t feel you have to answer every update.

Got home exhausted and came to bed and Dickie threw up all over bedside rug!!! LOL…talk about bringing a girl back to earth! I think he was anxious that I’d disappeared for a few days again.

Love to all…this is really the best forum going! The breast cancer forum is good…but nowhere near as great as this one!

Pat xx


That seems really good news Pat, so pleased for you, lucky they caught it early. Hopefully the 4weeks treatment will go quickly.

Dickie may had thought you were leaving him, and got himself stressed, but he will settle again.

Rest as much as you can Pat, ((((hugs))))

Pam x

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Pat, I’ve been away from the site for some weeks, so have missed this, but really really glad for you.

It sounds as though the prognosis is good. Rest and recuperate.



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great stuff Pat!


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Just great!! Anne x

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