I’m Simon
Feel a bit of a fraud posting on here but am hoping for some guidance or maybe reassurance, albeit I know what may be said
I keep having itching / sensations in my face, having also had previously had sensation in my left leg and foot (this appears to be less now)
I am a runner and put some of my leg and feet issue done to poor cold downs and poor circulation
The face comes and goes
I had an MRI earlier this year for another issue and that didn’t flag any issues
I have had various bloods this year and nothing has come up
I have been to see a private gp who didn’t see worried and advise if it gets worse come back
I take vitamin b12 and D
I decided to book a private neurologist as my gp doesn’t seem to care, and it’s impossible to see the same doctor
I worry I am being paranoid. I worry I am spending stupid amount of money on nothing. I worry that this is the start of MS.
Don’t know what I am hoping for on here but not really taking to my family about it as feel like a burden
Thanks for reading
It’s good to share one’s fears. Don’t be too shy about sharing with trusted friends. It is important to let some light and air into lonely ruminations. Sometimes we are reluctant to share with friends because we’re worried they’ll tell us to stop being daft – and this may not be what we want to hear even if we secretly think they might be right! Other perspectives can be bracing even if they are not always comfortable, particularly when they come from people who know us well.
So don’t hide from your friends while you secretly consult with expensive doctors. I hope there’s not too much amiss with you, I really do. But if it turns out you are in trouble, those good friends will be a blessing again.
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