Help! What exercise can I do!?!?😳

I have RRMS and am trying to do gentle exercises to improve my fitness
I tried what I thought was a simple 7min exercise routine on you tube and it left me exhausted for the day at work and in bed by 7 :woman_facepalming::ok_woman:
What can I do?
Find it difficult to walk far without a stick outside and am losing confidence :disappointed:
Please tell me there is hope
Only diagnosed a few years ago and I am 61

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Don’t be discouraged and don’t feel that your fatigue after new exercise will keep being that bad. I’m your age and have had MS a long time, and I find that with practice it can get easier. Of course it will always be a balancing act to keep enough energy in reserve to live life as well as do exercise, but gentle persistence really can make you feel better overall.


Thank you so much
I was so discouraged :face_with_diagonal_mouth: and shocked that something I used to do easily has now become so difficult
Did wonder if I would be better doing same type of exercise at night instead :thinking:

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Whatever you can manage is an awful lot better than doing nothing, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
It might be worth getting a physio to check you out and suggest specific areas you need to work on. Hopefully, you will waste less precious energy that way and help keep key muscle groups stronger.
The MS Therapy Centres usually offer physio treatment, if you have one in range.

Our centres | Multiple Sclerosis National Therapy Centres (

Thank you
Have a phone appointment with my ms specialist next week(1st one since diagnosed :face_with_diagonal_mouth:) so will ask about support then :+1:


Hi BettyDru

There are a number of chair based exercise videos on you tube that you could try out - particularly helpful if balance is a major issue, I do some of these myself when my balance is well and truly off.

Some basic Tai Chi moves can be found on you tube too.

Thank you
Will check out you tube now :+1: