Hello, this is just meant to be a light hearted post so no need to be too technical. I don’t notice any difference whether I am watching normal tv or HD. I see no Improvement in the picture even when I am watching in HD. I have a new big tele and still see no IImprovement In the picture with HD. I have had a few eye problems in the past but they are ok now so don’t think this is why. I just don’t get HD, am I the only one. Cheryl:)

Hi, is your TV HD ready or full HD (sorry I used to sell TVs so a bit of a geek!)? We have a huge 42" HD tv, and have Sky HD. I can tell the difference between both the picture (sharper and brighter colours) and the volume is definately louder. You should notice the difference, I think it is a big difference. Lynne x

Also to you have a sky HD or a HD free view box. You will also need to plug it I to the telly with a HD cable as scary will not give you a HD picture… It’s a mine feild!!! Strudders

Sorry to should be do you… I should be into Scary should be SCART Dam phone and eyes…

Hi, I do have the HD set up ok, there is HD channels on the tele itself and we also had hd with sky although I cancelled the sky hd because I didn’t notice any difference so didn’t think it was worth paying for, lol. My husband and son notice the difference but I don’t. Cheryl:)

I have not noticed the difference either. I can see the difference in the shop where they have two TV’s side by side. I have also noticed if you record a HD program it uses twice as much memory…not good if you record all the soaps and go on holiday jax

Hi Jax, you are better than me, lol, I don’t even notice the difference on two teles side by side in the shop, but yes you are right about all the space it takes up on the box, although I got rid of sky hd so now just record normal programmed to the box. Cheryl:)

Upytupy wrote:

Hello, this is just meant to be a light hearted post so no need to be too technical. I don’t notice any difference whether I am watching normal tv or HD. I see no Improvement in the picture even when I am watching in HD. I have a new big tele and still see no IImprovement In the picture with HD. I have had a few eye problems in the past but they are ok now so don’t think this is why. I just don’t get HD, am I the only one. Cheryl:)

Im with you on this one , picture looks a little bit better but not sky’s 10 pound per month better , i will be cancelling as soon as i can as only took it out to get a free HD box because being a loyal customer for 10 years i would have had to pay for one (plus i got 100 pound M&S vouchers ) so 12 month contract x10 pound subscriptions and getting the free box and vouchers it was worth it for that reason alone shaunyboy

Hi Shaunyboy, thanks, I only took it too to get a free box and then cancelled when I could, don’t recall getting m&s vouchers though, lol. Cheryl:)

Upytupy wrote:

Hi Shaunyboy, thanks, I only took it too to get a free box and then cancelled when I could, don’t recall getting m&s vouchers though, lol. Cheryl:)

It was an offer that was on earlier this year that id been waiting to come back up again as a mate told me about it ( as he’d used it last year . as im sure it will come up again in the future ) it makes a change to get anything from sky if your already a customer !!! so i wasnt about to miss it !!!