Has George Gently got MS?

Anyone see it?

Always a bit of a thrill when MS rears it’s head in a drama!

Besides that, it was a good episode and worth watching.

Pat xx

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Looks that way Pat, good programme though.

Be interesting to see what develops and how they handle it.

Pam x

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One of those nights so George gently kept me company on Iplayer!

Its going to make this series very interesting, likely to be progressive at his age too, I would have thought?

Nina x

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I series linked it so will catch up later, I hope they do us justice and don’t skirt round the issue its time they showed MS for what it is.

If they do give him PPMS and it hits him hard and quickly I can’t see how he will be able to continue with his job. Will the programme change its name as Morse changed to Lewis.

Whatever happens it will get a rating boost, I’ve never followed it but will this series.

Hope everyone is feeling good.

Jan x

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I don’t think at that time (1960s) they had MS divided into types… so don’t think he’ll be dx with PPMS. I could be wrong.

Be very interesting to see how they handle it.

Pat xx

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Nice one Pat that never occurred to me at all

Jan x

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Hello Pat and all.

Watched it last night. A particularly good episode I thought-that’s apart from drooling over the sixties cars. I assume in future episodes he’ll show some level of denial and battle on despite the obvious signs. He could keep his diagnosis secret and find all manner of excuses to keep the job he loves. I can identify with that.

Best wishes, Steve.

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Yes will be interesting Steve. I wonder if it means it’s the last series. Really he’s getting on a bit to be a cop. This might be their way of ending the series… poor old George!

It was a good episode. Really showed how things have changed (for the better) for women. It’s what I always say to women who say they’re not Feminists… ‘Have you any idea what Feminists have done for you?’

Pat xx


Dixon of Dock Green carried on until Jack Warner was eighty, so Gently has another ten years left in him.

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Tehe very true Whammel.

Dixon of Dock Green must have been the oldest cop ever!

Pat xx


Saw it and the series is good I like him.


As we were watching, and before we saw the ‘MS’ leaflets at the end, I had decided he had Parkinson’s! Oh well… as you say it is good that it shows him still working etc at least for a while, so will help raise awareness of MS and the hidden symptoms - like his vision disturbances.

B x


I see Martin Shaw is 70… past retirement age? Also, I thought people often retire from the police at a younger age than 65?

He appeared to run and scramble over walls ok (or was that a stunt double?)

B x


Stunt double I would think B… and as Whammel reminded us, Dixon of Dock Green went on being a copper into his 80’s!

Hope you’re doing well.

Pat xx


I hadn’t watched this before but thanks to catch up watched 2 episode last night. My kind of TV Thank you for highlighting. Will be interesting to watch how it develops. I dropped a full glass of water at work last week like he did, unfortunately not in the garden but over a desk at work (oopse) thankfully it wasn’t a shocking experience as no electrics involved.

Snowqueen x

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Glad you like it Snowqueen. It’s a great series.

I’ve had to put coffee table and magazine rack over the big patch of stained carpet next to my recliner. Now the magazines get soaked and so does the carpet! Countless cups of tea and coffee have landed there.

Oh and there’s a matching stain next to my bed.

Hey ho… it’s only a carpet.

Pat xx

XXX Pat.

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just started watching it other week, i love it,never fancied it before,but glad i gave it a try, great easy viewing,just what i like.

J x

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Just watched the second episode.

My word that hit some raw nerves. I was brought up in an area where the main employer made heavy use of asbestos. The dangers were just beginning to realised by the powers that were in health and safety. My parents, my brother and myself worked there but were unaffected, unlike several of our unfortunate colleagues and neighbours. Then there was the sick boy affected by it. Way too close! I hope the third one is as compelling.

Best wishes, Steve


It was a great episode.

I shall be sorry if the (possible) MS dx for George will mean they are not making another series. One of the best cop dramas on telly.

Pat xx