Has anyone read 'Overcoming Multiplesclerosis' by Professor George Jelinek??

I’ve been following OMS (as well as taking a DMD) for the past 3 years. I have been on the overcoming ms forums and have seen people post about recent MRIs where lesions have greatly reduced or disappeared - just one example is this fantastic blogger (a researcher herself), who is doing so well on it https://memsandbeingmum.wordpress.com/

I still struggle with mobility and fatigue but know that I am helping my body as much as I can by following a healthy diet, exercising within my means and trying to reduce stress. This helps me at a time when it can all be very overwhelming - I feel like I am doing everything that I can to try and stay as healthy as possible.


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Nineteen years on from first seeing my neurologist at the Q.E., Birmingham, I am still ambulant with the aid of a walking stick; my left side has always been mainly affected (firstly from the foot up, to the hip), and I now drag my left leg which has foot drop. It is now coming into my right side (neck and shoulder down). Up until about the ten year mark, I had bad relapses lasting up to eight or nine weeks at a time; I now have, at the most, one per year. However, it is progressing and I have awful episodes of fatigue and spasticity.

I refused all forms of prescription medication early on, including Baclofen, preferring instead to adopt a holistic healthy living approach; healthy balanced diet (vegetarian and fish); good quality multi-vitamin tablet (daily); small glass (or two) of red wine (daily) for the beneficial effect of resveratol (and enjoyment); lots of walking (with the companionship of my lurcher dog); positivity (despite family and neighbour problems) and mindfulness.

I appreciate that we are all different in our approaches, but believe (and my neurologist does too, to a certain extent) that my own approach has been/is beneficial.

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