In desperation I book this book when I was diagnosed this week - has anyone read it?
Do diet/exercise/PMA really work against MS? or is it generally better to be in ahealther place if you have MS?
In desperation I book this book when I was diagnosed this week - has anyone read it?
Do diet/exercise/PMA really work against MS? or is it generally better to be in ahealther place if you have MS?
I’ve got this as well. The one by dr. Jellico. Not read it all - but he seems fairly level and reasonable to me from the sections I’ve read. I think the bottom line is you will be in a better place by exercising, good diet etc rather than those things “working against ms” as such. Then again even if you didn’t have ms doing all those things would help!
a healthier lifestyle can only be a good thing.
it won’t cure ms though.