Hello All,
As I have recently started “An Evidence-Based Guide to Recovery” for MS, based on the adoption of the vegan yet fish eating diet developed by Professor George Jelinek, I must admit that I am pretty bowled over by all of his claims. Has anyone else on the Forum got any first hand experience, either positive or negative, of this regime. As I was vegan before I started this, it is not difficult for me to switch to the new diet, but I have found myself feeling perhaps too positive about this and I am trying to hold back a bit. Are there any Jelinek officinados out there?
My husband who has SP, did try this diet and was very strict with it. However he did lose a lot of weight and ended up feeling ill. I think he was on it for about 3 months. However a lot of people do seem to think it has helped them, so perhaps he was unlucky. You do get to the stage where you will try anything.
Jelink has written a book, that deal with his theories and gives lots of details. However to be honest for most of his life my husband could have said that the MS did not affect him. He was dx in his 50s, but may have been dx a lot earlier today. So his good health was nothing to do with diets etc, just the way his ms progressed.
However it is probably worth a shot and if you are vegan it will be relatively easy. (We are non meat eaters, and eat little dairy).
Best wishes
My husband who has SP, did try this diet and was very strict with it. However he did lose a lot of weight and ended up feeling ill. I think he was on it for about 3 months. However a lot of people do seem to think it has helped them, so perhaps he was unlucky. You do get to the stage where you will try anything.
Jelink has written a book, that deal with his theories and gives lots of details. However to be honest for most of his life my husband could have said that the MS did not affect him. He was dx in his 50s, but may have been dx a lot earlier today. So his good health was nothing to do with diets etc, just the way his ms progressed.
However it is probably worth a shot and if you are vegan it will be relatively easy. (We are non meat eaters, and eat little dairy).
Best wishes
I have read the book, and also the Paleo Solution book, which makes similar claims though you can have meat. I’m on the diet and have been for six weeks and am feeling good. No idea if it will help my MS but makes sense to remove as many potentally aggravating foods anyway IMO. I feel I need to look after my body the best I can especially now I have been diagnosed.
I read the book and I’ve found that now, if I eat red meat (after cutting it out of my diet completely), I am floored for a few days, so now the only meat I eat is bird or fish. I haven’t been following the diet to the letter, but I have been trying to cut down on the sat fat (can’t remember the last time I ate a croissant!) to eat more fruit and veg, and to consciously make an effort to let the sun shine on my skin (as a peely wally redhead, that was the hardest thing to do, haha!) and, although I haven’t noticed a huge difference, I think that I have slightly more energy than I did. I think that it’s worth a bash, as a vegan already, you won’t have to adjust your diet too much, and you can always change back if you find it doesn’t work for you.
Luisa x