Hi just wondering if there is anyone from north colchester know of any good surgeries with kind compassionate GPs? Just moved to the area. Not had good experience with GP at new surgery i just registered with
Don’t know what happened to rest of my post??? Thank you anyway in advance xx
You say yoy’ve just moved to the area. Do you have any contacts who know the area, such as work colleagues? Are your neighbours friendly? The best way to find a good GP is personal recommendation, but that does depend on knowing people to ask!
Failing that, can you see a different doctor in the practice in future?
I can’t offer more help, I’m from nowhere near Colchester. Hope you find a better doctor soon.
Hi Mitzi. Thanks for your reply. I registered last week. Had to wait a week for my notes to be transferred over. Then to be told there is no appointments available until another weeks time. I were on waiting list for first Neuro appointment at previous Drs and needed to be referred to a Neuro in this area. I asked for a Dr to phone me (i could always speak to my previous Dr over phone). She phoned but didn’t seem very friendly. I asked to be referred to a Neuro and she said i had to make an appointment. Anyway i managed to get an appointment because i said i cant hold this out any longer ive been waiting 6 weeks already to see a Neuro. So i sit in waiting room yesterday and a lady i got chatting to said ill be lucky to see the same Dr twice and no point asking for any particular doctor as there is little guarantee i will see them at the appointment anyway. I thought ‘great having to explain things all over again in every visit’ ! When i saw the Dr (a different one to whom i spoke with on the phone) he wasn’t welcoming, he didn’t smile, didn’t make eye contact with me, wasn’t interested in my concerns and questions i had and made my feel i was wasting his time. I felt really uncomfortable. I walked out of there really upset. I guess the good news is he has sent me a referral letter to Neuro. He said 6-8 weeks. But im defo changing my GP Surgery! I dont have any contact here but if i cross paths with the neighbours i will ask. Thanks again xx
Hi Chellebelles,
Sounds like you encountered the exact opposite of what you need right now. I don’t live in/near Colchester, but, in case you’ve not already been in contact with them, you could ask your local MS Soc branch: http://www.mssociety.org.uk/near-me/branches/colchester-branch (NB If the link isn’t allowed, you can find the Colchester branch details using the “near me” tab at the top.)
They may not be able to recommend anyone officially, but perhaps could put you in touch with fellow MS-ers in the area, who may in turn have some useful info (on this score and beyond).
cc x
You have to wonder why some people went into caring professions, don’t you?! It sounds like it would be difficult for any other GP practice to be worse.
I hope your neuro appt comes through quickly and good luck finding a better GP.