well i have just got back from seeing a different GP. One who actually listened to me and was quite appalled by the previous GP. Same practice, just different GP.
well anyway, this one has put me on steroids, signed me off for a month, and is going to speak to the neurologist about getting me a quicker appointment (mine is on 3rd July). And she actually took the time and effort to listen to me and to ask me questions. She was amazed (appalled) that previous GP didnt take the letter from Optholomologist, and that is now being faxed to neuro. She also made a quick phone call to find out about the MRI I had a couple of weeks ago… she said that was fine, but apparently I will need another one with contrast dye (?) as it was fine ‘in respect that you dont have a brain tumour’. Thank God for that (glad I didnt know they were looking for one though as I would have worried!). Anyway, all in all a ‘good’ day for me. Health wise though I ache all over. My arm is jerking alot of the time and I keep getting twitching arms and legs, my face still has a numb patch, both eyes are still really blurred, and my thumbs keep locking (?) which is really painful and my back spasms are worse than ever (approx 40 times yesterday). So although Im still falling to pieces, at least I have been listened to you! Yay
hope you are all having a good day xx