Had an independent assesment for a blue badge, scored 11 points, 12 needed to get a badge, Gp sent a letter to council who then issued me with a blue badge. DLA say after looking at my claim form and writing to hospital they can not award me any DLA for either mobility or care Should I appeal sending in my Blue Badge acceptance letter? What happens when you appeal? Sorry new to all this. Can not ESA as I do not have enough credits and can not get income based as my husband works. But not fit to work as not mentally or physically able.
Yes you must appeal the DLA decision but I don’t think your Blue Badge letter will swing it.
Your appeal must be based on the fact that you do meet the descriptors for DLA even though DWP think that you don’t. Take heart in the fact that many first DLA applications are turned down (mine was) but are awarded at appeal. Many times the appeals are successful because the appeal submission is much more detailed than the original form.
For help with the whole process I would suggest that you join www.benefitsandwork.co.uk (around £20.00 p/a) They have excellent guides.