Well 13 weeks into relapse , still waiting official DX ( probably Monday ) But today I finally got out on my motorbike Still a few lingering problems left hand, legs and feet pins & needles But feeling high always set returning to my bike as a milestone , so really happy , whatever this throws at me determined to enjoy myself
Good for you lad!
Nice post.
luv Pollx
Well done
That’s exactly the right attitude to have. If anything having health problems really makes you appreciate the little things in life. I now really enjoy the tiniest of achievements and will never take walking (or talking) for granted ever again.
I’m so glad you had a good time today. Good luck for Monday but whatever the outcome, remember life can be good!
Tracey x
Good Luck for Monday, Gray. Life is there to be lived to the full. I got my DX a few months ago and after the initial reeling, I’m determined to take every opportunity that comes along. I’m going to placess I’ve never been to & doing things Ive never done before. Great weather to be out on a motorbike, I’d imagine! Jane x
Good Luck for Monday, Gray. Life is there to be lived to the full. I got my DX a few months ago and after the initial reeling, I’m determined to take every opportunity that comes along. I’m going to placess I’ve never been to & doing things Ive never done before. Great weather to be out on a motorbike, I’d imagine! Jane x
Well done, a positive attitude is the only way to be, i have ms it does not have me
Last night i went for a walk just because i could, sounds crazy but whilst i was feeling good and my leg decided to work, thought I should use it lol
Hope you have many more bike rides
Well done, a positive attitude is the only way to be, i have ms it does not have me
Last night i went for a walk just because i could, sounds crazy but whilst i was feeling good and my leg decided to work, thought I should use it lol
Hope you have many more bike rides