Hi All x
I saw the neuro 1st week in April - he said he believed my problems were upper spine and was going to redo the MRI’s - as he wanted them done as he likes them done.
Great I though!! - I presumed this meant scanning:
- The thoracic area - great! as the one I had done last year was a bad one - MRI was on the blink and there was a lot of movement
- The neck - great as I have not had one of these since fracturing C5 in an RTA 16 yrs ago
BUT - I’ve just phoned the MRI Department and have been told I’m having:
- Another Brain scan - Eww! - I had one of these a month ago!
- The Neck
- NO Thoracic!!
AND when I asked about contrast she said that I ‘might’ have it - she said they will be looking at the images as I’m having the scan done and they will decide on contrast as they are going along!
Is this normal?
I’m gutted that I’m not having another thoracic scan!!! - I’m so annoyed about this as the ‘hug’ is one of my biggest symptoms and I believe most of my problems are in the thoracic area!!
I was so happy when I thought they were at last going to do it all together - properly - with and without contrast - and I would then get answers one way or another! Now I feel like it’s still being done in ‘bits n pieces’ here and there - and I’ll be left in the same boat!! Eww!!! xxxjenxxx