Hi I’ve just registered on here. I’m pretty sure I may have MS (I’ve only had an MRI brain so far showing an oval lesion in my frontal lobe).
I’m having an MRI spine in 2 weeks (I requested this myself from GP). But no lumbar puncture yet.
Can anyone diagnosed with MS relate to these symptoms:
Pulsatile tinnitus in one ear for 3 months (to the beat of my heart)
episodes of blurred vision
Neck and back pain
Lip numbness
I also have tendinosis in my arm but both arms can become slightly stiff
Cramp at night
Like everyone keeps telling me there are other explanations like stress but there’s too many symptoms now and I can’t imagine a lesion! GP felt it could be MS too but reading on here could be a long wait for a diagnosis! I appreciate any help.
Looks like a long wait for neurologist I’ve been marked as ‘routine’ now instead of ‘urgent’.
Not really. Like everyone , possibly everyone in the world, I do get headaches , back problems and similar but that’s about it .
My first possible symptoms were tingling and numbness on one side of my face but the first real symptom was optic neuritis (loss of just about all vision in one eye).
Thanks for replying that sounds scary with your eyesight I know mine was.
It does take a long time my first urgent neuro appt took months to come around and it as 3years until I was diagnosed.
MS can be frustrating no two ms’ers are the same in my opinion and yes symptoms can be numerous things. You know your body don’t give up looking for answers 
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Can I suggest you get a white noise box it helps with the pulsatile tinnitus. Have you been referred to an ENT as they’ll deal with this issue, it could be a problem with your hearing/ or could be nerve damage or I believe there’s another disease can cause it. I have it in both ears, I’ve lost a percentage of my hearing. I’m waiting for another hearing test to check for any changes.
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Thank you for replying. That must have been so frustrating for you!
Thank you so much for that. Yes I’m waiting for an ENT referral too (GP has sent referral). I will definitely look into the box where can I get this?
Hiya jenny Hadley,
I brought mine of Amazon it has several different noises and you can set it up especially at bed time to play all night or for a few hours. If you just put white noise in the search engine on Amazon it will come up with a selection of them, you can even buy wearable ones. Good luck and I hope this helps you especially until you get your appointment. X
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Thank you so much for taking the time, that’s really helpful. I had my MRI Spine today so just waiting for results now.
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You’re very welcome, and hopefully you don’t have to wait to long for the results. Have you managed to look on Amazon for the white noise box? I’d be lost without mine, Ive noticed indefinitely sleep better since having it.