Hello. I sent a message to the Society about a week ago. Offering feedback on this new site. It was feedback garnered from several people. I have not had confirmation my message has been received?
I hope that someone in high authority is monitoring the posts on Everyday Living on this site? A small minority of people are ok with the new site. I would say the majority of regular users are having great difficulty. Many have said they have tried but it is too difficult. Many have not been around. Is this because it is too difficult I wonder?
This site has been a great place for people to meet. This is being destroyed. I cannot make it clearer than that. For people good with computers etc the changes may be ok. For those who have difficulties with MS it is way too difficult. Too much on the screen. Too many tags, links etc. It is far from straightforward.
We are not being difficult. We are not adverse to change. When it is for the better.
I do not need to know I have earned something because I used my first emoji! I am not a child!!
I would encourage anyone out there who feels as I do to complain.
I am not computer illiterate. I am not stupid.
I have MS. The ways in which the damn disease affect me include cognitive problems. This means an easy format is imperative.
I came on this site many years ago. I found friendship, help, laughs and understanding. I am sure many feel the same.
I do not want to be driven away. I feel that is slowly happening. I would like to remain.
I would appreciate a reply to this message please.
Thankyou for reading.
Dear Admin
Anne makes excellent points. I am slowly managing to use the new forum but it’s not easy. I have posted several times about the problems.
I particularly feel rather worried about the regulars from the forum who are missing from this new site. I agree that a possible reason for this is simply that they cannot use this site. Both cognitive issues and a limited ability to learn new technology could be responsible. Equally, the brightness and the visuals are very difficult to cope with.
There have been many of us who have expressed our discomfort with this new format.
Hi Anne, well said. The site is different and difficult and like you I don’t need to be rewarded with symbols I find that really irritating. At first the brightness and the typeface caused me problems. I didn’t like the last site I liked the one before that best although I know systems move on. I’m slowly getting use to this new site and am hoping that others eventually get back on too, otherwise what’s the point. (((Hugs))) Maz
100% agree.
Badges for editing mistakes. !!!
What next, a badge for taking more steps !!!
The site is over complicated.
Theres way too much going on at once.
It’s not easy to work with or even look at.
I joined this site many years ago on the advice of my consultant, all I was looking for was some friendly advice from fellow MS’ers or even people who care/know someone with MS, I found that friendly advice in bucket loads, I didn’t join to earn badges or learn new computer skills .
I know things change and in the main change is good, but honestly this site as it is now is just way over complicated.
It’s so user unfriendly, especially if you are not good with computers and find that your cognitive abilities are not what they used to be.
I’ll be absolutely amazed if this site is as popular in 12 months time and holds the same amount of members as it has done for the years gone by.
It’s just not nice at all.
i was one of the testers for this site. I told the producers it was too light, too fussy too much information.
The trouble is unless you have MS when you are writing code for the site you dont realise how hard it is for the recipient. I made it clear it was too bright. seems nothing was done about that.
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Unfortunately sites nowadays aim for a site used on mobile devices. 2/3 of the screen is now wasted space…if you’re using a standardised computer monitor that is. There are ways to detect the screen size of a user and have the site adjust based on the resolution on that display.
Sites like these annoy the hell out of me. 2/3 times the scrolling because it’s designed for mobiles instead of filling the damn screen.
It’s overly complex when no need to be and I’ve done some coding and some web work decades ago and build my own computers. So I don’t find the new site or it’s function difficult to understand and use. I just don’t like NEW = smart device and more useless stuff to make it look pretty and have x features.
No more Simplicity or efficiency when designing UI platforms anymore. In the early days on the internet efficiency wa a priority. Engage the user and make it simple and as streamlined as possible. Now it’s ram it full off this and that whilst making it Scroll scroll scroll a boat horribly down my throat…ok that ended badly but the point remains.
It’s inefficient and rammed full of stuff most won’t even see, let alone use. It’s designed for the not so smart smart device platform. I wasn’t a big user before, visit and read but rarely post. Now I may only read 1 thread and maybe not even all the comments in it before I leave.
Ditto to everything above. We’re not teenagers glued to our smartphones, and that seems to be what this new site was made for.
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Ditto ditto ditto. It’s giving me a head ache and making me feel sick
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I would agree the site is very bright and not as easy to navigate. I use computers all day long in work so I am not an IT phobic as well.
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Brilliantly put. I have my own web site and yes now you have 2 options for either mobile phone or computer. I never thought of that until you said and now it makes sense.
I am 70 i dont use a phone i have a smart phone but the screen is too small and writing is too fiddly so i rely on my two laptops. Its an easy fix though i am convinced it just needs the white border space turned into a lighter colour which will take the glare off.
Can help wih the white space. Change to dark mode. Makes it so much nicer. Click the circle next to your name on the right. Will see a new dropdown windows with 4 icons. 1st being a bell and 4th being a person. Click the person and you get more options. Click on preferences, about half way down.
New page loads, near the bottom of the options on the left column it says Interface. Click that and at the top is colour scheme. Change them to Dark then scroll to the bottom and save. Hopefully that’ll make reading easier.
Bazza bongo thats brilliant thank you.
Happy to help. It was the first thing I looked for and even contacted Oliver, Admin, when a thread topic stay white while everything else went dark. So glad thread topics are now dark like everywhere else 
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