Hi Am looking into one of these that i can put in the boot of my car , does anyone know of a good website regarding this?
Hi Am looking into one of these that i can put in the boot of my car , does anyone know of a good website regarding this?
Hi Trish, look online at the ‘Luggie’. It folds down to a suitcase on wheels size… but I do think it’s expensive. There’s also one called ‘aqua’ something… put it in google and see what you get.
Good luck,
Pat x
Don’t know if your UK or not but these are very good a nd if you have MS you don’t have to pay VAT Betterlifehealthcare.com Sue
Hi Trish, I always have a look on ebay too , of course the only thing is the back up service is less likely , but I bought a little second hand 3 wheeler (lightweight fold up), for about a hundred a couple or so years back , (and it’s still going touch wood) :0) .
Hi, The ‘Luggie’, company was shut down by the high courts early in the year. They sold a scooter to a 78 yr old with little use of his arms and legs. Not given much press, so was not aware, till looked into them.
I agree with Bambi about Betterlifehealthcare.com, I just received my new rollator today. Really chuffed with the service and they do scooters too.
They do and I got an extra 20% off mine from a voucher they sent me via email. Deffinatley reccomend them speedy delivery too
Not sure if it would work but if you enter ONLINE20 at checkout you might get it too x
No experience of using one, but these are the lightest I have seen. Apparently, you still need some ability to walk. The World's Lightest Mobility Scooter | TravelScoot
Just to put my 5 cents worth in I would advise having test rides,and lifting in and out of the car at a reutable dealer.T’inter net may be cheaper,but where is your Service Support…Taiwan? Also it will probably have solid plastic tyres.They are hateful.I’ve put proper pneumatic tyres on my little buggy on the back, and got a shortened seat stem so as to make it feel more stable…If you’re planning to whizz about on pavements,'praps you’ll want to consider this…Whilst you’ve still got fillings,if you wear them.
thanks al for the replies will look into your suggestions