Good morning everyone. I am not diagnosed yet. I have been having various symptoms over the last seven weeks and have been going a little crazy trying to figure out what exactly is happening. I think I’ve read every post on this forum.
Seven weeks ago I realized I had Lhermitte’s. A buzzing in my lower back when I dropped my chin. The Lhermitte’s comes and goes but the buzzing has spread to my thigh then to my belly. It stayed in the thigh for about a week now it’s just in the belly but it’s pretty constant. My eye is also twitching constantly.
Over the past weeks I’ve had weird tightness in my thighs that has passed, and a pain on the thoracic spine which seems to have passed for now too
I have an mri scheduled for two weeks from now and I’m petrified.
My doctor has not ordered any other tests. He wants to wait for the mri results. He said it’s unlikely ms because I am 53, but from I’m reading it is very possible.
I don’t really know why I’m posting. I guess I was just wondering what your first symptoms were, and how long they stayed. Did your first symptoms come on slowly or were they part of an obvious attack?
Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Kaly
Try to stay “unpetrified” for a couple more weeks It’s obviously doing your head in, as well it might, but you’re destroying yourself with maybe’s. Easier said than done but try to think about other things for the next few weeks, until you have greater certainty in your life.
@Kaly108, I really feel for you. You have posted a few times trying to make sense of what is going on. Honestly, limbo land and unexplained symptoms can drive you crazy.
You have a couple of weeks before your MRI, yes it will feel like a life time but you have got through the last 7 so we’ll done so far.
Do remember that if you are concerned about your symptoms or there has been a change you can contact your doctor. I am waiting on a neurology appointment but have had to speak with my doctor whilst waiting.
Welcome to the forum. As has been said already, limbo land is never a fun place to be - in the unknown, our brains can come up with all sorts of monsters lurking in the dark. Try to stop your thoughts from going down rabbit holes imagining what the future holds. Those worries are just that - worries. Thoughts. Remind yourself of that, and that they are NOT facts.
Regarding the MRI, are you petrified of the results, or having the scan itself? If it’s the scan, there’s nothing to worry about. You basically just lie on your back for half an hour, listening to some bonkers noises. I actually enjoy them and find it weirdly relaxing. At my hospital, you can bring a CD for them to play down your headphones, though it’s never loud. Don’t bring something relaxing - it’ll get drowned out by the noise of the scans. You want music that’s loud even when it’s played quietly (if that makes sense! I always bring The Go Team - the dream is when the scans are in time with the music. It rarely happens, so I’m cock-a-hoop when it does
hey i know this was 2 years ago, but did you end up having MS? I am having lhermittes as well and am freaking out. Mine started after a back injury so hopefully its just related to that…