So I first had a sign of lhermittes beginning of the year at first it was radiating from my neck to the bottom of my body and was very intense sensation shocking down my neck and back when i bent my head down. I had this for a month and was getting weaker and weaker until it disappeared. I went to the doctors who sent me for a blood test I’ve already been tested for vitamin b12 which came back fine.
I have also been sent for an X-ray which came back normal and have never injured my neck in anyway. After a month it disappeared… so I didn’t think anything of it. Until lhermittes came back a couple of months ago. Whilst I had this I have been really lethargic and a few pins and needles in my hands.
Again after a month it grew fainter and disapeared. Also i feel normal again now the symptom has gone. I’ve been to the doctors who are sending me to neurology on the 28th of October.
So it’s a waiting game… but something definitely isn’t right…