First neuro appt- slightly anxious

Hi all, I have my first neuro appt on Tuesday and I’m feeling a bit anxious. I’m not really anxious about what will happen at the appt but I’m anxious that I will come away not really knowing anything more than I do now. I’ve had brain and spine mri which the gp said shows demyelination, and the report also said I need further biological investigations. Any thoughts what this could be? I know the neuro will be able to explain the mri report better than my gp but what else will they do? Gp has already done sensory type tests. Symptoms so far have been: Numbness down left side of body Pins and needles in hands Vertigo with vomiting for 3 weeks Double vision Incredibly itchy legs Fatigue I’ve tried to record all symptoms with dates to take with me. Anything else I need to do or be aware of? Any tips greatry appreciated Helen

Hello Helen,

You have already done the best thing you can by keeping a diary of symptoms. This is the one thing that a MRI can’t do.

The standard for a diagnosis of MS is the McDonald Criteria. This is a specific collection of signs that the neurologists use to put a name to one’s condition. They also talk to neuro-radiologists who specialise in the interpretation of scans.

It seems as if all the work has been done. I know this sounds stupid, but you’ve just got to sit back and relax now. When you get your results, come back to this forum and we’ll be able to give you more specific advice and support if necessary. If you want to talk to someone before then you’ll be just as welcome.

Best wishes,
