Hi, I have seen a Neuro Surgeon who did balance and reflex tests and said I was fine and am currently waiting for my appointment to come through to see the Neurologist and just wondered if you would share your experiences with me please and hopefully put my mind at rest.
Obviously Im anxious at the moment, the fear of the unknown is scary but these symptoms are making me worse as I dont know if it really is anxiety or MS. Ive had anxiety on and off for years, Im not medicated for it, probably more fool me, but as I know what Anxiety can do to you, Ive been able to deal with it. I hardly ever go to the Doctors, but went with a funny type of numbness down my right arm which I thought was down to an accident Id had, she suspected a trapped nerve and sent me for an MRI. The results shown an area of Demyleination on my cervical spine and since MS has been mentioned Ive been struggling, and although Im trying to convince myself its just my anxiety taking over, Im not winning this time.
Ive had pretty much constant tingling in my legs, more below the knee, could be one, could be both, has gone as far as my pelvis, then could be just my foot or my calf etc, its so random. Im lightheaded but then I can be totally fine, my eyes feel strained but then are ok. Ive had my eyes tested recently, prior to all this and Im told they are healthy. I have finally been taken seriously about my clicking stretchy joints, and have Hypermobility or ligament laxity as the consultant said. This has got worse these last few months. I have had week knees for years, again on and off, its a funny feeling, my joints arent sore, its like my knees are weak and tired, I realise this could be something to do with the hypermobility. Ive had various symptoms over the years, all have been put down to anxiety, I feel Im labelled with it but they are definately worse since my MRI results, hence is this all in my head?
I know I cant change the outcome but I dont want to go to the Neurologist and be labelled with Anxiety and waste this valuable appointment when it could be MS. Will he be able to tell the difference? Obviously Id rather it was anxiety of course.
Sorry for the long waffle but what Im asking is do symptoms come and go in the same day, hour? Are they as random as what Ive been experiencing? Are they there for weeks? Could this be my anxiety taking over? Im just finding it all really difficult at the moment.
Thank you for taking the time to read.