I have my first neuro appointment next month and I’m getting a bit nervous.
I’ve had ongoing issues with chronic pain, numbness, urinary issues, swallowing issues etc and basically I felt l was being dismissed by my GP until I had optic neuritis before Xmas.
I’ve seen a chiropractor privately before all this (not seen them since the ON as I didn’t want the waters getting muddied before my appointment and wanted to ensure it was safe) and she has sent me a letter with her findings and also a letter from my dentist who was concerned in September when I was sent with possible TMJ - she didn’t feel the pattern of pain was consistent with this. I don’t know whether to take these letters with me as they seem to be referencing joint pain which again I know sounds more rheumatology and I’m worried if I take these the neuro might dismiss me out of hand and say it’s rheumatological but then i thought it could be useful to show how I’ve sought advice from other professionals to try and manage my pain to no avail.
I was just wondering if anyone could share their first experiences on a first neuro appointment and what I can expect please? I realise alll neuros work differently but a brief explanation would be great.
your lucky its took me many many years to be heard. 4 years at least and i have been dismissed as ahypercondriac which seems common in ms comunity you done good my first neurologist was also useless and did not lsiten to anything i wanted to say and i asked for secondopinion WHICH HAS NOW TARNISHED MY MEDICAL RECORD i have given up but for your first appoitment dont write too much down get to your symptoms as they never wanna listen to too much thats what i mdoing anyway for my last chance nuerologist
i also have started to have tmj with the jaw and problem with joints in spine i get spine pain now and struggle to walk if your only having pain and tmj?? it sunlikely to be ms but im not a doctor it could be ms or it could be something else i suggest you take all your paperwork but what i do i have only 1 sheet of a4 to read to him as ive noticed they never want to listen if there is more this is in uk though my vision also gone funny . you oculd try to explain your biggest concerns to him and ask him why is this happening
Make a concise list of your symptoms - when they started, how long they lasted, in date order. Think of the neurologist as a fresh pair of eyes on your symptoms. Maybe take the letters with you in your bag, but I wouldn’t volunteer them unless they seem relevant to the actual discussion you have with the neurologist.