I have succumbed today to a nasty sickness/ diarrhoea bug that my boys have had. It’s been awful and has played havoc with my MS! my legs have completely given up today - now I can see what it will be like when I can no longer walk. Getting to the bathroom has been interesting to say the least. I have been in bed all day. I fell backwards into the bath at 2 am and thought I would be stuck there permanently. Thank goodness the OT dept fitted rails in the bath recently. What a lifeline! Hope it goes soon - I am really pathetic atm! Teresa xx
Hi Teresa Falls, bugs all sounds awful, really sorry…hope it’s a 24 hr thing and that you’ll be back on track tomorrow. Best wishes Nina x
Oh Teresa you poor thing! Yes thank God you had rails fitted.
Are you feeling any better today?
Was going to send you virtual cake but under the circumstances you might not fancy it, so big ((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))) instead.
Lots of rest hon,
Wishing you better,
Pat xx
Teresa how awful for you, let’s hope it is a 24hr thing and you feel
better today, (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))).
It seems it was a blessing having some rails fitted.
Take it easy and drink lots of water.
Pam x
Hi Tree! I sent you a pm this morn and because i had not heard from you i know you are really not well at all. Get well soon my love and get all those boys in your house to look after you well. Teresa.x
Hi all, Thanks so much for your kind thoughts. Feeling a bit better - have eaten a bit today but feel totally wiped out! Teresa xx
You poor thing: diaorrhea, sickness and MS - an evil combination! Do hope you feel better soon. Go easy on yourself for the next few days to make sure it doesn`t recur!
Faith WB. XXX