Hi all,
I know this isn’t really forum material but just needed to have a moan/cry…
In the last year I have been hurt very badly and totally heart broken. My life was turned upside down and I can honestly say, at the time I seriously hit rock bottom and couldn’t see myself getting over it.
But… As we do, we pick ourselves up, take each day at a time and slowly things get better…
Being a hopeless romantic and wanting to love and be loved, I have just decided to join a dating site!!! I’m only 35 and apart from the MS don’t have a huge amount of baggage! just maybe a little cautious of being hurt again…
Anyway, another trait of mine is I like to be honest and up front, so on my profile on the dating site I admitted to having MS… i’'ve had 4 messages now from gentlemen saying that although they like my pictures etc on reading my profile and discovering I have MS they realise I’m not the one!!!
Can’t help feeling it’s like kicking a girl when she’s down and I have to admit to being terrified I’m going to spend the rest of my life alone
Sorry for the moan, just needed to get it off my chest.